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Unedited. Please leave comments yall are so quiet omg. I was gone a long time I know but now I'm back.


"Aw, babe! I bought you some ginger ale and some noodles with some crackers." Stacy called as she bursted into my bedroom causing me to groan and cover my head with my pillow. After throwing up, I developed a terrible headache and wanted nothing more than silence. I had my blackout curtains to block the sunlight from coming into my room and the A/C blaring since I was sweating like a dog.

I couldn't even find it in me to smoke, feeling nauseous just from even smelling the exotic bud that I was so excited to try this weekend. Rayne convinced me to call out for the rest of the week and even promised to go to the clinic and make sure everything was running smoothly if it made me feel better.

It did.

She didn't even have to use her voice to intimidate anyone. All she had to do was stand there and shoot them a look and they would all form a line if they needed to. I knew she would be okay and Ronald would be there as well. I emailed him and explained that Rayne will be there in place of me and he understood, wishing me well and to see me on Monday.

"I bought ice cream-"

"What kind?" I breathed as I sat up causing her to giggle and hand me the carton of caramel cone ice cream. I moaned and grabbed it, before placing it on my face, the coolness radiating on my skin.

"Damn, Dyl. You were fine last night."

"Eh. I've been feeling off all week. It's just gotten worse I guess. You okay, though?" I asked as I looked at my blue eyed best friend. She nodded, a soft smile on her face causing me to squint.

"I met someone.."

"Oh shit, who is he?" I giggled weakly as I opened the ice cream carton, grabbing the plastic spoon from her hand and digging in before handing her the carton to take some. Stacy smiled as she picked at the ice cream before sighing.

"Her name is Milan. But everyone calls her Minnie. It was out of nowhere. I was leaving the building and she was clearing out the offices. She's the new janitor at the corporate sight downtown. She was staring really hard so I asked her what the issue was and she said nothing except that I have the most prettiest eyes. I had brushed her off, but she kept trying and finally got to me." She giggled, her cheeks red causing me to grin and push her shoulder gently.

"I always knew you were fruity. I never seen you with a guy except that one-"

"Yeah that was for show. I wasn't too sure of what I wanted. Still ain't, but..Minnie done swept me off my feet. I think I'm in love." Stacy was smitten over this woman and it made me grin. She deserved nothing but the best.

"Does she.."

"Have a dick? No. I think you just found yourself a special case. She does have a nice sized clit, though." Stacy laughed causing me to snicker behind my hand before taking another scoop of ice cream.

"God, this is so good. It seems to be the only thing I can keep down." I moaned. Stacy stared at me for a second and I stared back, swallowing my small portion before pursing my lips.

"Why are you-"

"Have you gone to the doctor, Dylan?" She asked suddenly. I shook my head no and she sighed before handing me a brown paper bag.

"It was a thought I had. But I didn't want to be passing a boundary." Stacy breathed. I furrowed my brows and placed the spoon in the now half empty carton of ice cream before opening the bag and rolling my eyes.

"Stacy, I am not pregnant. I just had my period a few weeks ago." I scoffed before placing the test down on the bed. She put her hands up in defense before shrugging.

"Keep it just in case it doesn't come. It was just a thought."

"It will be negative. You know I don't want kids, anyway. Not now at least. I'm on the pill for my period, anyway." I breathed. Stacy nodded and we finished the ice cream, changing the subject to what we plan to do this weekend if I feel better.

I didn't feel better.

Day by day I got worse, throwing up constantly and feeling dizzy. Rayne woke up to me throwing up in the bathroom multiple times in the morning, and it was starting to concern both of us.

"When I get home ima take you to the hospital, okay? Try and drink this Gatorade til I get back." Rayne breathed. It was Monday morning and I was in bed, an ice pack laying across my head. I nodded and she leaned down, kissing me softly before kissing my stomach and walking out of the room.

I sighed and texted Stacy telling her that I'll be going to the hospital later today before looking over at my desk drawer. I stared at it for a second, my thoughts turning and turning as a small piece of the brown paper back stuck out of the drawer causing me to swallow hard.

"I'm not pregnant. It's going to be negative. I take my pill every single day." I hissed as I slowly stood up and opened the drawer, grabbing the bag and walking to the bathroom. I peed on three of the sticks before placing them on the counter. I waited and waited, scrolling through Instagram until the timer went off.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I wiped and stood from the toilet, looking in the mirror before looking down at the tests and sighing in relief.

"Nothing to worry about. Just a stomach bug." I breathed. I threw out the first two tests but stared a little harder at the third one, there being an extremely faded line that made it look positive.

"It's faded. These garbage ass tests. The other two were negative." I whispered before rolling my eyes and throwing it out. I crushed the bag on top of it so Rayne wouldn't see before washing my hands and walking out of the bathroom.

The rest of the day, I googled to calm my suspicions. False positives happen all the time, and that small faded line was nothing to worry about. Part of me felt relieved, but a tiny part felt slightly disappointed. If Rayne and I were to have a baby, that child would be loved and would be so beautiful.

But I wasn't mentally prepared to have a child. At least I didn't think I was. I had a terrible childhood, and part of me always feared that those generational curses would repeat itself if I were to bring a little one into this world. Another thing is, they wouldn't have much family. No grandmothers, no grandfathers. No aunts, no uncles.

It would be lonely for them, and painful for me to watch.

"Baby.." Rayne called out as she walked into the bedroom. I put out a hand and she took it, walking closer to the bed and leaning down, kissing me softly.

"How are you feelin, ma?" Rayne asked as she placed a hand on my forehead.

"I want ice cream." I grumbled causing her to chuckle.

"That's what ya been eatin the last three days, ma. How about we take you to the doctor and that pho place ya like? Huh?" She asked as she left soft kisses on my neck. I hummed and nodded, her cool fingertips caressing my hot skin making me arch.

"You're turning me on."

"I thought you was sick." She chuckled as she kissed my collarbones.

"Not sick enough. Come here."

"Nah wait. Wait. I gotta talk to you about today." Rayne breathed as she sat up. I sat up with her and watched as she sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"What is it?" I queried as I sat up with her, my hands touching her shoulders as a tense look shot across her face.

"We got a problem at the clinic. I think Ronald doin something to the women that we recruit."

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