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"She been like this the past few days. Ion know what to do." I whispered to Stacy as we both stared at Dylan. She was laying in bed, curled up in a ball as she stared into space. She's been this way since we came home from the hospital after receiving the news about our baby. It didn't phase me because I know that baby was created by two warriors.

They will be just fine. I had faith. Down syndrome is nothing to me. I've met people with Down syndrome that are thriving in life. I rather look at the bright side about things. There's even a basketball player with mirrored organs who's doing just fine in life.

I explained all of that to my angel, but she just stared into space. The same way she's doing now. Part of me feels as if she's blaming herself for what's going on. The drinking, smoking and the birth control combined. But I know it isn't true. Neither of us knew she was pregnant. Shit, I didn't even know I could get someone pregnant.

"How about you go down to the clinic and I stay here with her? Hm?" Stacy asked quietly as she touched my shoulder. I nodded, but swallowed hard as Dylan sat up and shook her head, a frown on her face.

"I'm going to work-"

"No." Both Stacy and I stated at the same time. Dylan looked over and shot both of us a look that caused chills to shoot down my spine. I've never seen her look so angry before and it scared me.

"I'm going..to work." She hissed through her teeth before standing up and storming to the bathroom before slamming the door shut. I looked at Stacy who was staring at the ground in shock.

"I've never seen her so-"

"Me eitha. Im a little scared, not gonna lie." I breathed quietly. Stacy sighed and ran a hand through her gold locks before looking up at me with sympathy.

"I say..let her rock through it. This was a lot to take in..even for me. So I can't even imagine how she feels considering she's carrying the baby. Yes, I know you're the...other parent-"

"You could say fatha. It's fine. Technically I am both.."

"Okay. I know you're the father, but you need to understand that baby is inside of her. Yes it affects you, but also understand that she's probably blaming herself."

"Yeah I thought so too. Damn." I hissed as I swallowed the lump in my throat. I wanted nothing more than my angel to be okay. I wanted her to wind down, but I know based on the attitude I just received it's not gonna happen anytime soon.

I just have to be prepared for anything.

While Dylan got ready for work I decided I wanted to make her some breakfast. After Stacy left, I made some French toast with raspberry sauce and some turkey bacon. I added a small scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of the French toast since it seems to be all she was craving. She hasn't eaten much since getting out of the hospital.

"Here ma, come sit. We have some time." I breathed as she walked down the stairs. She was dressed in all black, her heels buckling around her ankles. Her natural hair was wrapped in a messy bun at the top of her head, her face having minimal makeup on it.

She still looked stunning. Even through all of this.

"I'm not hungry." She stated as she grabbed her keys. I shook my head and touched her arm gently, causing her to look up at me with an attitude evident all over her face. I didn't take it personal, just shooting her a soft smile.

"Can you try? Please? I even added ice cream." I pleaded quietly. She swallowed hard and side eyed the table before sighing and walking over, taking a seat in front of her breakfast.

I watched as she slowly picked up her fork, her hand rubbing her small bump as she took a piece and bit into the French toast, moaning quietly at the taste. I smiled, placing a cup of warm tea in front of her before taking a seat and eating my own breakfast. 

Dylan ate slowly, almost finishing her entire plate which I as grateful for. But the silence was tense. Loud enough to cause my ears to ring. I knew it would take a while for us to go back to normal, but I couldn't help but wonder how long. I wanted nothing more than to hold her and tell her it's going to be okay.

She wouldn't even let me hold her hand.

"You okay-"

"Don't. Don't you dare ask me that." She hissed as she glared up at me through her faux lashes. I swallowed hard and nodded, holding my own tears back as I stood and grabbed her plate, scraping it before putting it in the dishwasher.

Dylan was already at the elevator door, scrolling through her phone with tense eyebrows as she bounced her leg, indicating that she was growing impatient. I grabbed my keys and held the elevator door open for her and she walked in, not saying her usual thank you which caused my chest to tighten slightly.

It's okay, Rayne. Don't take it personal. I thought to myself as I watched the numbers count down to the first floor. She walked ahead of me, even ignoring Frantz who shot me a look. I shook my head and he shot me an empathetic smile and I walked toward the cab, slipping into the back seat.

Dylan stared out of the window the entire time, her hands folded in her lap. I decided to keep the boundary set, keeping my hands to myself instead of holding hers. It seems as if she wanted space so I gave it to her no matter how much it hurt.

We finally got to the clinic, the drive feeling as if it took forever. Dylan got out of the car and walked inside and I tipped the driver and walked into the clinic to see Dylan talking to a man who looked like he was serious.

"Mr. Robinson, I didn't expect to see you here." She chuckled nervously as she clenched her fists behind her back. He smirked down at her and touched her shoulder.

"I hear that Ronald was arrested for trafficking. That's unfortunate, but I'm glad the problem was dealt with. I just came to check in. I see some changes were made in here, but for the better." He stated as he grinned down at her. I could see the lust in his eyes and it pissed me off, causing me to walk toward her and touch her shoulder.

"Yes. This is Rayne Adams. She helped with the security detail and fixed things up around here including the cameras. She also helped with Ronald getting incarcerated." Dylan stated calmly as she looked over at me slightly.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Adams. How about we all step into the office and have a chat?" Mr. Robinson stated. Dylan visibly tensed up before nodding and walking toward the office with both of us following her tracks.

"So..since Mr. Ricky is no longer head executive, I've made the decision to fill his position. Dylan..do you accept the offer?" Mr. Robinson asked, causing both of our eyes to widen in shock.

"I-I mean yes. Are you sure?" She asked. I grabbed her hand under the table but she slowly pulled it away, causing me to swallow hard as my heart sank to the bottom of my stomach.

Damn. She must blame me too, clearly.

"Yes. And considering the good word I've heard plenty of times about Ms. Adams here, I suggest she takes your place as co-executive."

My eyes widened as I looked at Mr. Robinson who just grinned as he nodded, his eyes looking between Dylan and I frantically. I looked over at Dylan who had a forced smile on her face as she nodded before standing and shaking Mr. Robinson's hand.

"I'll get started on the paperwork immediately. Thank you again, Mr. Robinson. Seriously. You won't be disappointed."

"I know. I haven't been so far. I will check in in a few weeks. Have a great day to you both." He grinned before stepping out of the office. Dylan walked over to the door and shut it softly.

"So what this mean? We both the boss?" I asked. She nodded, still avoiding eye contact with me as she sat back down at her desk and slipped her glasses on.

"You really not talking to me? Did I upset you?" I asked. She huffed and looked up at me with annoyance as she turned on her computer.

"Can you go do your job? You can have Ronalds office. I'll see you at home."

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