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Rayne in the MM



Five years later..

"Mommy!" Nani screamed as she ran toward me causing me to grin as I scooped her into my arms. Her teacher smiled as she walked over to us and handed me her book bag.

"How was she today?" I asked as I looked at Nani's para who just grinned with a thumbs up.

"She did great today. She finally ate without being fed, so her motor skills are improving. She played with her friends, even ran around without getting as winded as last week, and she used the potty." Ms. Winchester grinned as she looked at Nani who just smiled back while clapping her hands.

It's been five years since I had my daughter the first few years were tough for Rayne and I. We got married privately, having a wedding party  that I let Stacy plan for us. It was the same night I went into labor, Rayne picking out the name Nani-Linda ever since she took her ancestry test.

Rayne wanted to know her ethnicity in more depth, finding out she was fifty percent Puerto Rican, twenty five percent Hawaiian, and the last twenty five percent being Samoan. It made sense considering she was an actual giant.

"Yeah I named her beauty AND pretty. So what?"

Nani had Rayne wrapped around her finger the moment she was born. She was a perfect combination of both of us, her skin dark like mine and her hair long and curly like Rayne's. She had Raynes entire face and it annoyed me considering she looked nothing like me except for having my eye shape. She came out chunky, being almost ten pounds.

I had to have a c-section considering she needed surgery. Her heart was sitting on top of her arteries and crushing them, causing them to have to reconstruct her entire chest. Rayne and I prayed from the moment she was born til the moment she got out of surgery, both of us holding each other as we begged God to spare her.

He did, and not only did He spare her but He made her the smartest, most beautiful child in the entire world. To us at least. Rayne did nothing but spoil our five year old, getting her anything that she wanted. I did too, but to a certain extent because she already had my attitude at her young age.

"I'm so happy to hear that. How about we get some ice cream? Hm?" I asked as I high fived my daughter who grinned and nodded eagerly.

"I miss daddy. Where daddy?" She asked as we walked to the car. I placed her in her car seat and buckled her in, making sure she was strapped in before smiling down at her.

"Daddy's at work. How about we go bring them some ice cream, yeah?" I asked, Nani smiling widely as she nodded and clapped her hands. I slipped into the drivers seat and took off, going through the drive through of our favorite take out place and buying Rayne some lunch.

Ever since we signed that contract with Mr. Robinson, our lives have improved a lot more. We were completely abundant financially, Rayne taking over the clinic completely after I had Nani. She's been doing so well bossing everyone around, using her voice and making sure to articulate herself.

It was a sight, especially seeing her in her business suits every single morning after she fucked my brains out while the sun came up. She was learning to be more open with herself, allowing people to interpret her gender however they wanted. She didn't label herself, simply just living and being satisfied with herself and her gender identity.

"Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream.." Nani chanted in the backseat causing me to smirk as I pulled into the parking lot of the clinic. I handed her her milkshake and she squealed before taking a sip. I got out of the car and pulled her stroller from the trunk and put her inside before grabbing the food and walking into the clinic.

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