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"Is she okay?" I sobbed as I watched the doctor walk toward me. I've been in the waiting room for three hours praying to God that Rayne was going to be okay. She passed out when I found her, the ambulance immediately taking her but saying I couldn't come since we weren't family.

I told them we were engaged. It was the only way they'd let me see her. I didn't care about a white lie. I cared about her.

About Rayne. More than I ever thought.

My chest dropped when I saw her stumbling down the street, kicking off my heels and immediately running to her as I watched a blood trail form with every step she took, her large hand holding onto the marble building as she tried not to fall.

I never ran so fast in my life.

Luckily a random woman bought me my shoes as I waited for the ambulance, a circle forming around us as I sobbed into Raynes chest as I listened to her fast heartbeat, praying that it wouldn't stop no matter what.

"She's okay. She has some bruises as well as a concussion. Her larynx is also bruised and her breathing is a little choppy so we gave her an inhaler. We also stitched up the knife wound. We did find rust residue on the wound so we have her on some antibiotics to prevent bruising. Also..I believe she was sexually assaulted. There's small bruising and lacerations on her genitalia."

"Oh God." I heaved as I covered my mouth, the tears streaming down my face. I knew I shouldn't have let her leave, but I knew she needed a breather to calm down. Today was her first time talking in group and I know it was overwhelming as well as the ignorant criticism she received afterward.

Still. I shouldn't have let her leave.

"Can I see her now?" I asked as I wiped my tears. He nodded and led me to her curtain, pushing it open slightly. I gasped quietly as I watched her stare at the ground with a blank face, her head resting on her knees as she slightly rocked back and forth.

It broke me to pieces.

"Rayne.." I sobbed as I ran over to the bed, sitting on the edge and slowly wrapping my arms around her. She held me tightly, sniffing into my shoulder as she whimpered quietly causing me to squeeze my eyes shut.

"I need you to tell me what happened, baby. I want you to make a police report."

She shook her head rapidly, the fear in her eyes something I've never seen before. The tears welled in her eyes as I held the side of her face, caressing her bruised cheek as a tear slipped down.

"Rayne..please. Please tell me." I sniffed, our faces close as I watched her tears streamed down her face, the warm stream polluting my wrists as it dripped down my arm. She let out a long whimper as her chin trembled and it caused me to cry harder.

"Rayne please. You have to. I'll vouch for you. Just tell me what happened, okay? Tell me what happened and I'll do the rest for you. Please." I cried quietly, my hand still on her face as she held my wrist with her long fingers.

"I-I cant, ma. I don't want h-h-him to hurt you." She sobbed quietly causing my eyes to narrow slightly.

"Yes you can, baby. Yes you can. Just tell me as much as you can and I'll put the pieces together." I whispered as I pressed my nose against hers. She hesitated for a second, before nodding and swallowing hard. I could tell she was trying her best to hold her composure.

It didn't last long.

"M-m-Michael.." She sobbed loudly as her head laid on my shoulder gently. I felt the tears stream down my face as she cried into my shoulder loudly, her wails shaking my entire core as I tried to hold it together for you.

"Where did this happen, baby?" I asked quietly. She sniffed, taking in a shaky breath before looking up at me with broken eyes.

"T-t-the park. The one I be at when I wait for you. H-he paid someone to trick m-m-m-"

"Okay. Okay. You did so well, baby. Thank you for telling me. Now listen to me, okay?" I sniffed as I gently pushed her hair behind her ears and held her face in my hands. She nodded, her fingers wrapping around each of my wrists as we both stared each other in the eyes.

"I'm going to handle this, okay? I'm going to talk to the police for you. You won't have to say a word. Do you hear me?" I asked gently. She nodded and I smiled sadly as I caressed her cheek, before pressing my forehead against hers as I stared down at her lap.

"Did he touch you, Rayne?" I asked shakily. She hesitated for a second, before slowly nodding and I sighed hard, the panic scratching up my throat.

"Okay. I know you don't want to speak and your throat hurts. So what I want you to do is open your notes and type out every single thing that happened. Can you do that for me?" I asked her, our foreheads still touching as I squeezed my eyes shut, keeping them closed as I tried my best to stay calm.

"Good. You're doing so well, baby. You're doing amazing-" Before I could finish my sentence, a warm set of lips pressed against mine and I gasped, before pushing her away slightly. She looked at me with eyes of uncertainty and I smiled as I caressed her cheek.

"I want it as much as you do. But now isn't the time, okay? Let's focus on getting you better and talking to the police, okay? You're not obligated to do anything but be okay right now. Understood?"

Her eyes softened and she nodded. I leaned in and kissed her forehead as I continued to caress her cheek. She sniffed and sighed before looking up at the ceiling.

"Home?" She asked quietly, her tired eyes telling it all.

"Soon, baby. Soon."

Her Helping Hand. (W|W, INTERSEX.) Where stories live. Discover now