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He was stepping outside the building when he saw the brown-eyed man. It's as if the ghost of his past has come to haunt him. He had only met him once before. He delivered him a letter.

Why was he here after all these years? What message did he have for me this time? Was 'he' ok? He had a million questions but his mouth was sealed.

"Let's have a coffee." The brown eyes spoke.

He almost had to command his feet to move, he didn't understand how he made it to the cafe, with a black coffee cup sitting in front of him.

Instead of looking at the man in front, his mind traveled back, years back, to when he was sitting in a cafeteria with his hand around his best friend, laughing at a stupid joke. He was happy, maybe he was too happy, he never predicted that his world would be turned upside down in a single night.

"You look better than the last time I saw you." The man sitting across from him brought him back to reality.

"Where is he?" Off finally asked.

He ignored the question, instead spoke "I'll tell you a story first, if you still want an answer after, I will."

"Have you ever heard of a man named John Phunsawat?"

His eyes widened. That name, he has heard of that name.

The brown eyes continued, "Well, the look on your face tells me you have. To most, he might be something else, but to us, he was our dad."

Off's whole body went numb.

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