Chapter 10

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The next morning, two boys were still in bed. Off had his arm circling the smaller waist and his head resting just above Gun's.

Gross! Thought Krist.

He had enough of the sickly sweet view this early in the morning and kicked Off's leg.

"What the hell!" Off shot up from the bed.

"How the hell did you get in?" Off was so annoyed.

He was having an amazing sleep until he was very rudely woken up.

Off got up from bed after covering Gun fully with a blanket. He pushed Krist out the door to the living room  and closed the bedroom door behind him.

"Now speak!" Off rubbed his eye, yawning.

Looking at the clock it wasn't even 8 am.

"I came to get our stuff, you should be glad we didn't drop by last night. By the look of what I..." Krist earned a punch before he could finish.

"Don't even think about it. Count your lucky stars that you didn't wake up Gun."

"Whipped already huh," Krist grinned, "I have dibs on being the best man by the way."

This was too much for Off this early. He glared at Krist.

Well, Krist doesn't seem to get the hint. "There is no way what I saw in there was nothing."

"I'm telling you nothing! Get your stuff and get out. And keep that mouth of yours shut or I'll tell Gun."

Krist put his hands up in defense. Took his stuff and headed to the door.

"Oh, Off?" When he looked up towards the door, "Congrats, man!" Krist winked and the door closed behind him.

Off rubbed the back of his neck. Yesterday really happened huh? A smile showed up on his face.

He made his way back to the bed, hugged the sleeping boy, and fell back into dreamland.


To the outsiders, it didn't seem like anything changed with Off and Gun. They were normally very close anyway. So, no one thought twice. This obviously excluded Krist and Arm. Even to them, they still didn't confirm it.

Actually, it was only to Krist. Both had told Arm earlier when Krist wasn't around.

Krist would bug them every day, asking. The two boys kept their mouths shut. Off had told Gun about that morning and this was their payback.

Gun had scores to settle. He also found out that Krist had tried to make a bet as to when and if they would get together with Arm.

Let him have a taste of his own doing, thought Gun.

Gun enjoyed Krist's failed attempts for them to admit it for days. Most of the time he pretended like he never heard Krist's questions or treated him like air.

As a supportive boyfriend, Off stayed out of. It was probably for his best really.

Gun did eventually put Krist out of his misery.

For the couple, they were acting the same at school and with their friends. They wanted some time for themselves for a while.

Off basically lived at Gun's apartment. They were always glued to each other when they were alone.

Off often liked to hug Gun from behind, he's like a Koala. Gun wasn't aware that he was mimicking Off in his sleep. Practically sleeping on top of the other with his arm and legs hugging the taller.

When the exams came close, boys got back to serious studying. They loved to have fun but they were also smart and worked hard.

This was their last year before becoming seniors. They had to do well to be able to choose the classes they wanted. Seats were limited and were based on their exam ranks.

Arm and Off wanted to be in communications. Krist was trying for Economics and Gun, he wanted to be a lawyer.

Since someone was getting distracted, he made a rule.

During exam time, Off wasn't allowed to sleep at Gun's apartment.

Off had pouted to no end. Gun stayed strong and didn't budge.

He made an exception though, if the other boys were staying over to study, Off could stay too.

Guess who was bribing Arm and Krist to stay over at Gun's so he can as well.

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