Chapter 7

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Sitting in his living room, he made his weekly call to his brother. There were only 2 rings before a smiling face appeared on his screen.

"Tay! I missed you! I'm sorry I couldn't make the call last week."

Tay laughed at the pouting boy on screen. " It's ok, I guess you had friends over. I've been busy myself. Exams are starting soon."

"I'm sure you'll ace them all! Have you talked to dad? he's been extra busy." Tay nodded saying they had a brief chat.

Tay was a second-year med student. Unlike Gun, he stayed at home during high school. His situation was a little different and even more complicated than Gun's. But when he was accepted to an elite university for medicine, he decided to pursue his dream. It was his passion to become a surgeon one day.

From time to time, he would come home during breaks. But for the next 4 years, he'll be overseas to finish his degree.

"So... Off isn't staying over this weekend?" He can see his little brother fidget.

"He seems to be busy lately, he said there was some family stuff. I only saw him at school for the last couple of weeks." Gun never spoke his feelings directly. But his brother knows him like the back of his hand. He was sure that Tay already knew.

"Hmmm, maybe that's a good thing he's busy. It'll give you time to...."

"Tay!" Gun interrupted. Making the other display a bright smile.

"Just don't overthink, don't stress yourself with the family stuff. Dad and I will take care of it. If something makes you happy, we both want you to have it."

Gun looked like he was about to cry but he just stared at his brother trying to convey a silent thank you.

"Well, it's your birthday next week. Do you have plans?"

"We are going to celebrate it together with Arm and Krist. They are both later in October as well." Gun was all smiles now.

The 4 boys were planning to throw a rooftop party with a costume theme. They were all very excited. Since exams were approaching soon they decided to have the party early, on Gun's birthday.

They ended the call shortly after, leaving Gun alone with his thoughts.

Gun was a little lost. Not on his feelings but on what to do. Unlike Off, he was a lot more aware of his emotions. He had liked Off from the moment he met him.

Maybe it was because of the way he pays attention to everything he does, could be because he was an open book. He was honest and straightforward, part of him wished that he could be like that one day. Whatever the reason was. He liked his company.

When did he start to like him more than a friend? That he didn't know. All he knew was, it was somewhere along the way.

Can he really act on this though? What if something happens to Off because of him, he would never be able to forgive himself.

Tay's words were stuck on his head, could life be that easy for him? Is it ok for him to be that carefree? What if his family changed their mind and needed him?

His thoughts wouldn't stop running through his head. With no answers.

Gun was laying on his bed, missing the warm body that's usually next to him. It's already been a month since Off last slept at his place. He was a wreck. Gun was glad he didn't have to pretend in front of Off. He would have caught something was wrong in a second.

Both were too busy battling with themselves to notice each other at school.

Krist, however, watched the wheels in motion that he started. "I'm truly a genius! They better make me the best man." He said to Arm. Who was instead praying all this doesn't end in shambles.

The day before the big party, they all decided to meet at Gun's place to change and walk over to the venue. The place was only a few mins from Gun's apartment.

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