Chapter 16

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A/N - Hope you all had a great break over the New Year 😄

Gun was Stunned. New was the last person he expected to come through his door. What the hell was he doing here? Wasn't he meant to be overseas?

Watching Gun stare at him without speaking, New knew he had to make a start, "Before you start your hundred questions, how long do we have? When is your "roommate" coming back?"

Oh shit! Off. He should be back soon. He needed to get New out of here. "Soon!"

Concluding that now was not the time to have a conversation, "Ok, I better leave then, when you can I'll be on the 7th floor, opposite Josh."

Without saying anything else, he left.

Gun was uneasy for the entire night. He tried to act normal in front of Off, although his mind was completely somewhere else and wanted to go see New. For the life of him, he couldn't find an excuse that didn't sound suspecting.

Tomorrow, he thought.

It was his first class of the day, who knew a first-year law student had to start studying from the first day. He was busy highlighting when someone sat next to him.

"Look at you! So dedicated," Said the male stealing his highlighter and twirling it around his fingers.

Gun just stared at New little annoyed, holding out his hand asking for his highlighter back.

"I thought you'd come and see me last night."

"I couldn't get away." grabbing his highlighter back. No matter how many questions he had, now was not the time.

"Then, tell him you'll be late tonight and have to study."

Their lecturer walked in, Gun gave a quick nod before diving his attention to the class.

During lunch, he had already told Off to go home without him and that he wanted to make an early start on his projects.

At the end of the day, there was a text, asking Gun to meet at the law faculty rooftop.

New was already there when he arrived, carelessly sitting, eating a sandwich.

"Ok, ask your questions," New said taking his last bite.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here for you, don't you miss me?"

"New, I'm serious! Why are you here?"

"I've been assigned to you."

This is just creating more questions than answers. New was purposely making him frustrated. "Just tell me the damn story instead of beating around the bush!"

"Well... Your dad and brother thought it would be best for me to be with you, we are the same age, my grades were good enough to get into law and I chose the same classes as you. I was actually planning to stay with you," New was looking a little annoyed now.

"Imagine my surprise to find out you have a living-in boyfriend," He gave a dry laugh, "You and your good for nothing brother never told me!"

New had to remember to get back at Tay for this. He had called him the day before university started, Tay didn't even give him a hint.

Gun was feeling a little guilty, he and New were childhood best friends. Their families have been working together for years. He was practically family. The three of them were always together growing up. They still kept in touch after he left but as with most long-distance, communication started to die down over the years.

What was confusing him was, why was he here instead of with his brother. Last he knew it was decided that New would be assigned to Tay when New was done with school. No one told him when they decided to change the plans? He needed to have a conversation with his brother.

"What about Josh?"

"He'll be around but he can't be with you all the time, he's much older, and being your personal trainer isn't enough reason for him to hang around you all the time, It was different when you were in school but this is a university, it's more of open space, anyone can come in and out without much notice."

"Does this mean..?"

New put his hand around Gun, "Yes Gun, you'll be stuck with me for at least for next 5 years!"

They planned that Gun would introduce New to the group tomorrow.

Before heading home, Gun found a quiet place and decided to call his brother.

When Tay picked up, "What is New doing here?"

"Hello to you too, Gun!"

"Answer me! Why is he here and not there?"

"Didn't he tell you why?"

Gun rolled his eyes, "Yeah, he gave a perfectly good reason. Do you think I'm stupid! Those are just words you had fed him."

"I thought it made sense and dad agreed. I don't see the problem, don't you want him with you? I thought you'd be happy."

"Tay!" Gun was exasperated. "You are not gonna tell me, are you? Is it because he has a crush on you? Do you think it'll affect his work?"

"No. It's because he's better suited to be with you. If you don't want him there, we can find some other work for him," Tay was not having it.

Gun sighed, giving up, it was so rare that Tay would talk to him with authority, "It's fine, I like having him here."

"Ok then, I have some work to do, I'll talk to you later." Tay hung up without even waiting for Gun to reply.

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