Chapter 20

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Josh and Gun arrived at the mansion before midday. They had taken the private plane. Otherwise, it would take them a couple of days of driving.

"Josh, We'll start tomorrow. Don't disturb me for the rest of the day."

With a nod, Josh had left.

Gun went to the liquor cabinet, grabbing a whiskey bottle before closing his bedroom door.

He didn't know what he had to face, it'll be tomorrow's problem.

For today, he just wanted to drown his sorrows.

Last year was hectic, Gun had come home so many times. He had lost count after the 15th time. Sometimes he misses his classes, takes the plane to the hospital, and comes back in the evening. Off didn't even know about those times. Part of him was glad that Off was so busy with work. it meant he didn't notice a lot of things. Gun's change in attitude, him slowly starting to distance himself, he almost didn't even graduate because of all the missed classes. Tay had stepped in and convinced the university to allow him to do some extra work to make up for his credits.

While thinking of what had been, he thought of his two biggest losses. Pouring his first shot, was for his relationship, which broke his heart to even think about it for a second. But, it was his choice. He drank the shot, hoping it'll numb the pain.

Then for the second shot. Gun held the glass in his hand, twirling it, creating a small whirlpool inside.

He took the drink and thought of the last days they spent together. I miss you, dad.

For rest for the night, he kept drinking. He went back to the liquor cabinet until he couldn't walk anymore. He'll have a killer hangover. It didn't matter, at this moment, he just wanted to drink until he didn't feel hurt anymore.


It was almost nightfall when Off got back home. He spent the day with Arm and Krist recovering from their hangover.

When Arm told him about Gun, he had texted him good luck, but he didn't get a reply.

As he got inside, he called Gun's name, but the apartment remained silent. Off thought that Gun wasn't back yet. He decided he'll freshen up first and order some food for them.

When he first came into the bedroom he didn't notice the bed as the closet was on the opposite side to the bed and the bathroom. As he was walking to the bathroom, something on the bed caught his eyes.

First was the piece of paper, then the ring. With confusion and shaky hands, he picked it up. All it said was 3 lousy words.

I am sorry.


Arm barged into Off and Gun's apartment 3 days after he couldn't reach either of them. There, he found Off, sitting on the couch, mindlessly looking at nothing in particular.

"Omg! what the hell dude! Where have you two been? Don't you two know how to answer a call?"

Off made no movements, so, Arm went to face him. He was about to shake his shoulder but the hand stopped in mid-air when he saw Off's face.

"What the fuck happened! Off? Why do you look like that?" crouching down next to Off, he tried to shake the absent-minded man back to reality.

"He left me," it was barely audible and Arm wasn't sure if he heard him correctly. 

Giving another go to get an explanation, "Where's Gun?"

Off handed Arm the piece of paper with "I am sorry".

Flipping the paperback and froth, only creating more questions. What does the paper even suppose to mean? Who wrote it, was it Gun? 

"There's hardly anything written here. What is this?"

"He left this," Off was holding the ring, "He never took it off," then held his head in his hands.

Arm didn't know what to do, they sat together on the couch, Arm learned that there was not much that Off knew either. Arm had seen Gun three days ago, There was absolutely no indication there was anything wrong with them. Gun didn't act weird. If anything,  younger was clingy to Off as usual. 

They can't stay like this together forever,  so he called Krist. They both were trying to console Off for days. He didn't listen to either of them.

Off simply held on to the letter and the ring. He didn't eat and barely had something to drink and that was only because Krist and Arm wouldn't stop nagging in his ear.

A few days later, "Let's search for him, I have a friend. Maybe, they can get some details on Gun." Krist suggested.

"Worth a try." Arm agreed

All of them deserved an answer. Especially Off.

The information they got was nothing they didn't know. There was only one thing that was odd.

"Off?" Krist shook the dazed man sitting on the couch, "Did you know about this?" He handed the papers.

This was the first time they got a reaction out of Off. He grabbed the paper and thoroughly examined it.

"He was an orphan?"

"Apparently, but didn't he talk about his dad and a brother? Have you met them, Off?" Krist asked.

"He did. I always hear him talking to his brother. I never got to meet his family. They weren't even at his graduation." Off did wonder at the time, what kind of a family wouldn't even show up for something that Gun has been working so hard for.

"Well, there's no record of him being adopted here."

"I.. I don't understand, he kept a lot to himself about them." Off was losing hope again. 

Over the years, Gun got to know all of Off's family. They went over for dinners and holidays. His siblings were quite close with Gun. But, his relationship with Gun's family was nonexisting. This is not for Off's lack of trying. He did offer to go home for the holidays with him. When Gun's dad got sick, Off also suggested coming and giving him company. Gun has just brushed them all off. Giving vague answers like his family was complicated or it wasn't a good time, maybe later. 

None of them knew what else to do. They tried digging for more information but came out empty-handed.

A month had passed since Gun had left. Off was still about the same, he refused to go to their bedroom at all. He slept on the couch. Every inch of the apartment reminded him of Gun. They had so many memories in this place together. Now, they were all haunting him. Arm and Krist alternated between them looking after Off.

On one particular day, they both had some work events they couldn't miss. Off was home alone, drowning in his misery by himself.

There was a knock on the door. Off didn't answer, there were a few more knocks.

"It's open!" Off said annoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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