Chapter 3

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It had been a couple of weeks since Gun had started school. He was well settled in and caught up with his classes. Yesterday was the last day he had to spend his lunchtime catching up.

Today, he can finally join Arm and his friends for lunch. Arm had been nagging him since the first week. He had promised as soon as he was free, he'd join. Gun texted him as he was walking to the cafeteria asking where they were seated.

Arm was by himself when he arrived. "Others went to get food while I was waiting for you. Let's go when they come back."

Gun nodded and sat next to Arm.

A few minutes later, "Look who finally decided to grace us with his presence today!" The boy smirked as he put the tray of food opposite Gun.

"Did you miss me that much Off?" Gun smirked back while stealing some food from the tray. "Can't say that I'll miss giving up my lunchtime to take lessons. Stealing your food is much better."

"Heyyy!" Off tried to cover his food by trying to make a wall with his hands. Before he could continue, another boy with a tray full of food joined the group. That made up the 4 red belts of their year.

After the first day, Arm introduced Off and Krist. Krist was the bubbliest of them all with a personality similar to Gun. He was always up for a good time as if it was his middle name. Off, on the other hand, took a little longer to warm up to Gun. He especially didn't like the fact that Gun was able to beat him easily. But, after he showed him some moves that could make him win against Krist & Arm, Off claimed him as his partner in crime.

The four boys can often be seen together outside of class. Despite Gun being in a different class, they studied together, often at Gun's apartment. Others even had Gun helping them with their studies.

Off took the most advantage of this, asking the silliest and easiest questions. If any teacher heard, he might be kicked out of the advanced program. Gun knew better, he was just after to get a reaction from him. There was no way he was going to let him win. Whilst internally rolling his eyes and calling Off a jerk, he tried to keep his posture and answered every question.

He knew whenever he was about to crack, because that stupid smirk would appear on Off's face.

The school year passed with the boys becoming inseparable.


A/N: To make up for the 2 short chapters in a row I will publish an extra chapter this week. Enjoy :)

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