Chapter 18

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A/N: I miss the present time... we'll go back to it soon
Ps: sorry I got quite a bit going on these days, I'll update whenever I can 😊

7 years ago...

They had been together for almost 4 years, It will be Gun's Birthday soon which is also their Anniversary. Off had already planned something special for Gun. They were going to a beach resort for a few days. Gun loved the beach and he couldn't wait to surprise him. Off may have hidden the fact where their holiday was going to be. Wanting to see the surprised look on Gun's face

"Gun, is everything ready? We should leave soon."

"This is the last bag, let's go."

Was Gun planning to live at the resort? Off wasn't sure, as he was loading another bag into the car. There were so many bags at this point that his rearview mirror was useless. Who needs that when driving anyway, right?

As soon as they got to their destination, Gun claimed he was exhausted and wanted to take a nap before heading to the beach. He wasn't even the one who was driving, Off sighed.

Birthday was a special time for him. When the first day of October hits, he's in birthday mood. It was all about him being pampered as if he was some royalty or a spoiled brat.

All his not so subtle hints to his friends on presents were injected into every conversation.

Is he getting worse by the year? Maybe Off pampered him too much. He just like seeing Gun all happy and bubbly. Thinking that he should hold back a little next year, maybe.

After their nap, Off took him to dinner at a beach restaurant . There weren't many options for restaurants where they were. However, the food was excellent. There were so many delicious seafood options and all types of drinks. They ordered everything Gun liked. That boy can eat, where does all that food go? By the time they got up from the table, they were too full and a little tipsy.

"Let's go for a walk on the beach and we can go swimming after." Gun grabbed Off's hand and pulled him towards a less crowded direction.

As they walked along, peoples' voices drowned and light got dimmer. Eventually, all they could hear were waves and their eyes had to adjust to the darkness.

"This was really nice! Thanks for bringing me here." Gun snuggled up to Off, intertwining his hand with Off's.

"You are welcome. I'm glad you like your present."

"I love it!" Gun had his arms waving in both directions like a kid showing him how much.

"Hmmm, I think I need better proof than that."


Off hand leaned down towards Gun's face and tapped his cheek with his finger.

Gun didn't waste any time before wrapping his arms around Off and kissing his cheek.

"Let's go for a swim, the water looks nice!" Gun was trying to pull Off towards the water again.

"Uh, it's cold. Let's go later."

"But it'll be even colder later, let's go now."

Off sighed, guess it'll have to be now. The last thing he needed was to lose things in the water. That would completely ruin it.

Off tugged Gun back to him. "Ok, in a second though."

"Okay..." why was Off being weird?

"I got you another present."

"You did? Why? You got me all this already," Gun genuinely looked surprised.

"Well, this is for our anniversary."

Ok, shit! Cause, Gun being Gun, had completely forgotten about their anniversary. They should really be on different days. Maybe Off will agree to have another date as their anniversary?

"I... I didn't get anything though!" Gun was pouting. "How about we celebrate it when we get back?"

Off chuckled looking at the troubled face. "I don't need anything, I have you. That's more than enough. I got this because I wanted to."

"But... that's not ok! I have to do something."

"Well, there is a way."

"How? I'll do it!"

"Woah! had I known you'd offer yourself that easily," Taller was smirking.

Gun took a good minute to actually get it. Freaking pervert! Ok, he no longer felt that bad as he smacked Off's shoulder.

"Ouch! Now you have to kiss it and make it better as well."

"Goodbye! I'm going to go swimming. You stay there and have fun by yourself."

Gun didn't get far though, Off had him by the waist. "I was kidding. You look cute when you are feisty."

Had there been any lights, he could have seen Gun blushing. Off had a way of having a effect on him with everything he say or do.

They were watching the ocean, Gun's back was leaning on the broad chest. Off circled his arms around Gun's waist.

"Thank you for the last 4 years. You are the happiest thing that ever existed for me. No matter what kind of a day I have, even when we have our little fights, I still go to bed happy knowing that you are mine. When we are old and grey, I still want to hold you like this." Off kissed Gun's neck as he finished.

Ok heart, you can stop beating like a crazy person now. Gun scolded. He wasn't very good with words like the other. Instead just kept it simple.

"I love you, more than anything."


"Prove it!" Gun tapped his cheek, mimicking what Off had done to him earlier.

Off grined and kissed his cheek, "I'll do one better," He held out his hand in front of Gun.

That had Gun wordless and blinking his eyes for several times.

"This is to promise you that everything I said was true and it's everything I want in the future. After we both graduate, I'll do it properly. Until then, can you keep it safe?"

It was a ring sitting on his palm. It was a classic platinum ring, it had soft round edges with a simple pattern of two waves intertwined around it. There were small diamonds around on each intersection where the waves met.

Gun touched the ring, running his fingers along the edges. It was extremely beautiful.


It seemed Gun was quiet for a long time which made Off a little scared.

With a small voice, "I'll keep it safe."

Before Off could do anything, smaller had turned around and buried his face in Off's neck. He stroked his back until Gun had calmed down.

"Come on, give me your hand. Let me put it on you."

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