Chapter 19

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5 years ago...

Last year was hectic! Gun had gone home several times to visit his dad. Gun had told Off that his dad was very sick and constantly going in and out of the hospital. The last visit was a couple of months back.

A month before the graduation, Gun had excitedly told Off that he got accepted to a well known law firm. Internship was going to start the day after the graduation. Which is why Off thinks Gun is being extra clingy for the past few days.

It was hard for them after Off graduated last year and started his internship. He worked late hours, often having to prepare for meetings and projects. Even on the weekends, the company had a lot of team building and training events for their staff. Most nights when Off got home, Gun would be asleep.

Gun was very supportive. Still, Off knew that he got lonely a lot. There was even a time when he felt like they were drifting apart. Almost as if they were turning into roommates. They managed to soldier on. Eventually finding a rhythm to balance his work life with Gun.

A couple of days before the graduation, they were in bed and Gun didn't have enough of him, he was changing from one position to another, asking Off to not stop. It was Off who couldn't make any more rounds. He had no idea how that small body of his had so much energy. Was he on something? Gun tried to get Off to go for another round, Off held him in place and asked Gun to take a bath with him instead. With some protest, Gun had agreed.

They soaked in the water for a while, Gun had fallen asleep. Once they were both back in bed under covers, Off brushed Gun's hair away from his face. Gun was usually not like this. It's generally when he was worried, sad, or nervous. It was understandable, considering they were both going to be working in a few days. Off was worried too, they are both going to be working and their dynamic will change again. but Off had faith that they will be ok.

Gun must be worried about a repeat of last year, Off thought. He gazed at the sleeping face next to him and softly said, "It'll be fine Gun, you will do great. I know it. And we will make it through." He then kissed Gun's forehead before falling asleep.

It was the graduation day! Gun was the last to graduate in their group. Well, New should have been there with him. However, New had told the gang that he also got an unmissable offer himself at a law firm in a different city and needed to start immediately. New had said his goodbyes and left a few days ago to get a headstart. So, it was just Gun in his cap and gown at the ceremony.

Though he felt a little lonely graduating by himself, there were people cMe to watch him. Off, Arm and Krist were already in their seat and Gun could see that Off already had is camera set up to record him. A proud boyfriend indeed.

As Gun was on stage receiving his certificate,  his phone vibrated. He didn't think it was anything urgent and opened his messages after the ceremony.

It was a text from Tay. Congratulations baby brother, you looked great on stage!

Tay was here! He watched him graduate. Gun was so overwhelmed to see Tay's text. He was not expecting any of his family to be there. He hadn't even told Tay when the graduation day was.

Gun looked around to see if he could spot him but he couldn't.

Afterwards, the four boys had planned to party all night. He was the last and this is their last time to live it big before they all get busy with work again. They had gone to the city, hitting several bars and clubs. It was around 4 am when they got back to their hotel room.

Earlier in the day, Gun had suggested booking a hotel near the bars. They would be so wasted and there was no way they'd make it home in that state.

"Thank god for getting this room booked, I don't think we could have carried these dead weights for any longer," Arm said as he dropped Krist on one of the beds and Gun placed Off next to him.

"Shit!" Gun said, looking at his phone. "I have a meeting tomorrow for my internship. I just saw the email now."

"Wow, dude you think you are gonna make it?"

"Yeah, I already booked a cab home, I need to get ready. Tell Off. I'll leave the car keys, you guys can drive tomorrow."

"Good luck man! Try not to look too drunk."

"Yeah, thank Arm, I'll leave him to you, take care of him for me."

"Don't worry, I make sure he's sober before driving."

Gun looked back at his friends and Off one more time before walking away.

Gun made it back to the apartment not long after. He scanned around his apartment and walked slowly to the bedroom. Gun did his best to keep it together in front of everyone else for months now. He can finally stop now. Clutching his chest, he fell on the floor and broke down.

He couldn't stop crying, he didn't know how long he was sitting on the floor. He just sat there, feeling paralyzed.

When he could finally muster some energy, he took a pen and a paper and wrote a small note. and left it on the neatly made bed.

Then looked at his hand, at the ring Off had given him.

Gun walked out to the living room and took one last look, longingly. Taking his apartment keys from his pocket and leaving it on the table.

As Gun opened the door, Josh was already waiting for him, bags in hand, "Aren't you going to take anything?"

"No, Let's go."

He did take one thing though.

The necklace that he had cherished for years.

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