Chapter 11

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A/N: Are you all excited for Not Me? I've practically been at the edge of my seat! Can't wait for next Sunday.

Don't forget to watch the trailer while you wait:

Also note: ratings have changed to mature. I will give a warning at the beginning of those chapters.

Thanks for reading :)


A few days before Christmas, Gun was watching TV in his apartment. His plans to go home were canceled. 

Tay was stuck overseas with his studies and dad has been very busy lately. He had mentioned he was also going out of the country.

As for his friends, they were all spending time with their families. Had he told, they would definitely invite him. Yet, he didn't want to be a bother.

To relieve his boredom, he decided to decorate his whole apartment. He spent days shopping.

 Now his living room looks like it belonged at the north pole.

Gun celebrated Christmas watching holiday movies and talking to his brother. It was snowing where Tay was. So Gun dressed up and pretended it was cold, sipping hot chocolate with marshmallows next to his fake firepit.


New Year's eve...

Off had texted him and asked how his family vacation was going.

Gun didn't think too much when he texted something had come up and he was back at his apartment.

Early in the evening, there was a knock on his door. When Gun opened the door, It was his boyfriend.  Standing there with an arm full of food.

"What are you doing here?" Surprised Gun let him in and went for a hug as soon as his hands were empty.

"Some tattler told me they saw you at the mall, buying up all the Christmas decorations." 

He looked around the room, indeed those stories were true, " So I thought I'll come home a little early."

"Off... your family must be so unhappy with me."

He ran his fingers through Gun's hair, "They understand. They actually encouraged me. We only have a week before school starts anyway." 

Gun just tightened his arms around Off, snuggling further into his chest.

Boys eventually separated when their stomachs started to growl. They ate at the dining table with Off filling in the details of his vacation. 

It was barely nine o'clock and Gun was already yawning. So, They decided to watch movies and relax in the bedroom.

Putting on a movie, Off wraps the blanket over them, Gun was leaning on his shoulder with one leg over Off's body and the other bent underneath him. How he found that comfortable, Off will never know.

Gun was feeling quite lonely after the entire holiday by himself, "I'm really happy you are here, thank you for coming." Gun had one of his dazzling smiles on display.  

Those smiles were Off's favorite. He touched one of them, making Gun giggle. In turn, made them even deeper.

"Stop playing with my face, it tickles," Gun lightly tried to push his hand but Off grabbed his wrist first.

"I want to play with you though," Off said, kissing his soft cheek and then his forehead.

Gun was staring with wide eyes, he had turned to a statue. It's normally him that was playful. He loved getting a reaction out of the older. When it was him that's on the other end of the stick, he was lost.

While Gun tried to get hold of reality, Off was looking at him. Taking in his features. He wasn't sure if he could pick just one feature he liked. So he leaned down and kissed his favorite spots. Which ended up being his entire face.

"Are you ready to answer my question yet?"

"Which is?"

"Can I play with you?"

Gun blushed, tinting his cheeks. Wanting to see more, he decided to tease the younger.

"What kinda thoughts are running through your head? Why are you blushing? You are having perverted thoughts?" he saw the blush even more. 

Gun was muttering curse words at him and hit his chest with no force.

Off was having too much fun. Gun never fails him to give a reaction. He was much more interesting than any movie he had ever watched. 

He leaned down and kissed his lips. "I just really missed you and wanted to see you today, I didn't think to make any preparations."

With a smirk, "Can you hold those naughty thoughts in your head for another day?"


"What?" Gun looked extremely embarrassed. He wasn't making any eye contact with Off.

He's hiding something. That was pretty obvious to Off.

"What are you hiding from me? Tell me before I tickle you," Off threatened.

Gun really hates being tickled. He had too many weak points and Off already knew almost all of them. Although he refused to speak, he pointed at his nightside table.

Off was curious, getting up from the bed and opened the drawer. There was a bag, he opened it and looked at the content inside. He was not expecting this.

He turned to Gun, "What's my boyfriend doing with a packet of condoms and lube? Have you been practicing?"

"No!" Gun jumped up and was beyond embarrassed. In his mind he had a hit list, there was only one name. That person put him in this situation. "It was Krist."

With a sigh, Off dropped the bag on the bed. He needed to have a conversation with Krist on boundaries. 

"I'm sorry, I'll talk to him." 

He went back to bed to cuddle the smaller but stopped midway. "Wait, why did you show me?"

"I was just showing you."

"No, you weren't."

"Yes, I was."

"No, you..." Gun didn't bother listening. He hid away in the blanket, turning it into a cocoon.

Off was really having too much fun. He hovered over the cocoon, asking Gun to come out. He refused. 

He tried pulling the blanket but Gun wouldn't budge. He leaned down. "Come and play with me. Aren't you curious? I know you are." 

Off wasn't getting anywhere. Gun was being too stubborn. "Please, I promise I'll be nice."

It worked this time. Gun sat up and looked at him. 

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