Chapter 9

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He regarded Off as if he was searching for something. Maybe looking for a sign to check where it might be a joke.

Off patiently waited, scanning Gun's face for a reaction. He was sincere and he wanted Gun to know that.

Gun slowly nodded.

Off was surprised for a moment, part of him expected to be rejected. Pushing his thoughts away, he moved closer to Gun.

He softly ran his fingers along Gun's cheek before sliding his hand under the chin to lift his face towards him.

He looked at Gun's sparkling eyes as he brought their lips together. Those plump lips felt exactly how they looked. No, that's a lie. They were better, much better and he didn't want to stop kissing him.

Unwillingly, separated his lips from Gun. His fingers touched the lips that were just on his. Then carefully moved them down to hold Gun's hand and brought their hands next to his chest.

He thought how he wanted to say what was on his mind. Off didn't want to hold on to it for any longer. Although hesitant and unsure how Gun would react, Off proceeded.

"Gun... I like you. I never felt like this before. Spending time with you is the best part of my day." Off nervous were trying to get the better of him.

Yet, he mustered up the courage and continued, "For my second present, I'd really like us to be together, as a couple. Can we?"

Gun seemed like he was lost in thought for a while. Without saying a word, Gun leaned on Off.

He eventually spoke gently, "Off, can we go to bed? I'm really tired."

This wasn't what Off wanted to hear. He was disappointed. Even so, choose not to voice it. At least it wasn't a direct no. There was still a chance for him. Off's optimistic side voiced.

He took the boy with him to bed.

It had been only a month, it felt longer. He missed this bed and the person next to him. He hoped that he wouldn't lose this.


Gun's mind was at it again. He wasn't expecting to get kissed or have a confession today. Both happened within a few minutes of each other. He wasn't ready yet. He didn't have an answer when Off had asked. But he was now out of time.

Wreaking his brain, Gun tried to make a decision.

When Off took him to bed, he barely noticed what he was doing. He leaned to the side on the bed, away from Off, pulled the blanket over him. It's as if he had forgotten that Off was there.

Gun had a recurring nightmare. It started when Off became someone that he couldn't live without.

In his nightmare, there was an accident. Sometimes, he'd see Off stuck inside the car bleeding. Another time, he would be in the hospital. There were even occasions when Off blamed him for the accident. The worst was when he saw Off, lying on the ground, blood covering, lifeless.

It wasn't exactly a random nightmare. There was a story behind it. Gun didn't have the capacity to revisit that story now.

He had noticed that he rarely had that nightmare when Off slept over at his apartment. Which meant last month had been awful for him. He'd wake up in the middle of the night with sweat dripping and scared to no end. 

With Off, there was always a sense of serenity. He missed that.

His mind was making an on-the-spot pros and cons list. It was going from wanting Off, to being scared, then to think about what it would be like to be with Off, back again to something going wrong.

Eventually one won.

Gun turned towards Off, he was still up, looking back at him. Even in the darkness, his features stood out. They didn't speak. Just kept the silence.

Gun reached out and touched his face, tracing his fingers on those prominent lines. He quietly leaned in and gave Off a small kiss before whispering, "I like you too."

Off was left stunned while the other drew back and went to sleep snuggling next to him.

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