Chapter 1

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12 Years ago...

Gun was at the school gates a whole hour before school started because he couldn't sleep and hated sitting around in his apartment. Which he still needed to furnish.

This is the first time he has been away from home. Although Gun was unhappy at first, he accepted the offer. John wanted his son to have a normal life. A life away from everything that he found out.

His earlier years were not the best but since he met his father & brother, he didn't think he needed anything more. John adopted Gun when he was 3 years old from an orphanage.

There's nothing much that can be said about Gun's biological parents nor did he ever try to look for them. John and his 6-year old son have given him all the love and support he needed when he was growing up. They both doted on him since the beginning. He would get the tiniest cut on his finger and his family would act as if he needed surgery. Gun laughed at the thought. He's already missed them.

He took a deep breath and stepped into what will be his life now, guessing he will just explore the school until classes start. Most kids would be scared to be in a new school, miles away from home, knowing no one in a new town. Not him though. He was friendly and outgoing, making new friends was his specialty.

The first day of school went well. He was only 15, since he was still a junior, being behind everyone by a month was not an issue in a normal school, but this was an elite private high school and they expected a lot from their students. He was introduced in each of his classes. He met a few people who invited him to have lunch & lucky for him, there was still space left in the Taekwondo club.

As a child, Gun has practiced many different martial arts. It was a family interest. His favorite was Taekwondo, getting his black belt when he was 10, although he's too young to be tested he can be considered at a 3rd degree black belt. Gun however was planning to keep that to himself.

The next day, Gun impatiently waited until the final alarm rang which let everyone know school was over. He ran to the gym and was greeted by a student wearing a Taekwondo uniform.

"Hi, I'm Gun. Today is my first day at the club."

He smiled at Gun, " Welcome, I'm Arm, changing rooms are down the hall, you can change there. You will get to spar with a few others to get your ranking." Gun walked away to change after thanking him.

At the gym, Gun walked in with his uniform & a red belt around his waist. He greeted his coach and was introduced to the members. He was told that he'll be going against other red belts who were his year. There were three, Arm, and 2 other boys, both were taller than him. One of them seemed to have a hint of a smirk on his lips.

All three looked extremely confident at first, but when they saw the way Arm lost, all smiles disappeared. The coach looked pleased after all 3 boys had a try. Gun had no problem winning against them. He bowed politely with a smile & wished everyone can get along well.

At the end of the class, Arm walked up to Gun to congratulate him. "You sure know how to surprise everyone, nice moves!"

"I just got an upper hand being new. I saw you have some great moves, wanna exchange tricks?" Arm laughed at that and claimed that would give him an even bigger advantage.

The boys walked together to the school gate with small talk. Gun learned that Arm was in the advanced class as were the other 2 red belts. Which meant they won't have any classes together this year. There was a special test that had to be taken at the start to get a seat in the advanced class. Given that Gun started a month after the school semester, he'll be in the regular class, though his grades were high enough to be in the advanced program.

They left to go home in different directions after exchanging numbers.

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