Chapter 6

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Off was having a mental breakdown and it was all Krist's fault! 

He was tossing and turning in his bed, debating with himself, and was on the verge of finally admitting it to himself.

It all started a couple of months ago. It was late July, Arm and Gun were doing a project and had left Off and Krist to have dinner by themselves.

While having dinner, Krist had asked why he always rejected his confessions.

Off had shrugged his shoulders saying he felt nothing for them.

"Ok, imaginary situation, what if Arm confessed to you?" Off glared at the boy asking the question. "What kinda nonsense are you spouting?"

"Just answer the question. It's just a what-if scenario. Don't need to be all hell-bent over it." Krist smirked and challenged Off to answer.

"Nah, it'll be just weird. I know way too much about him."

"Now was that so hard?" Krist watched Off take another bite of his food and attacked with his next question, "what about me?"

This time he choked on his food. Krist felt himself as a sadist, taking pleasure in Off's obvious discomfort and annoyance.

"Who the hell wants to put up with your demanding face? Do I look insane to you?" Off answered with a slight shiver.

"Rude! But, I'll take it. I know I can do better anyway."

Krist kept his eye locked on Off, he can see him waiting, surely he knows what he'd ask next, right?

"Then what about Gun?"

Off's expression didn't change but he did take his glass of water and drank it extremely slow before answering.

"I guess not, we are best friends, right?"
Krist was almost certain that Off asked the second question to himself. "Is it worth even risking?"

"We are all best friends Off and you are too easy to rattle." Krist smirked and ate his last bite, " This was fun! Let's do this more often."

Off's face looked like he disagreed with that last statement.

Since Krist had opened up that topic, he has often found himself thinking about it. He'd been paying extra attention to a particular boy and kept analyzing and overanalyzing his own reactions.

Boys often stayed at Gun's place. Especially when they were doing late-night projects. Gun's bed was big enough to fit all four boys, though it was slightly uncomfortable.

Off, however, stayed there almost twice as much as the others to the point where he had a towel and a toothbrush and was no longer using the guest stash. He was very proud of that fact.

One particular night, Off woke up in the middle of the night. For a second, he forgot where he was. When he turned he was greeted with a peacefully sleeping face.

Gun was sleeping with a pout. Off touched the soft pouting lips, trying to make it look less enticing. That made him pout even more. Which was the opposite of what he wanted. This was not helping Off.

He admits the boy looked cute while sleeping, he looked innocent and delicate. Which was all just an illusion because the boy was an enigma. He will never understand how he can look like that while taking down the entire group at the club. That was on top of all the times where it felt he was being told only half of the story.

It was a running joke that Gun would ask him for the rent and complain about how he ended up with an unwanted roommate.

Off just enjoyed being with Gun. He didn't have to try with him, he made him feel relaxed and happy. Also, his house was nicer and quieter than his own.

While he heard a lot of complaining, Gun had yet to ask him to leave.

At school, Off usually sits next to Gun. There was a day when he was late and Arm was sitting next to him. He was in a bad mood for the whole day.

Another day he realized that he liked seeing those dimples appear on his face. He made so many jokes to the point where the other boys had once left him behind, having had enough. But he thought seeing those dimples was worth it.

When they all walked together, He'd always stand next to Gun, claiming his height was perfect to rest his arms on.

A countless number of scenarios came to his mind. Off sighed and looked at the clock that said 3 am. He roughly ran his fingers through his hair. He was too excited, his heartbeat was running at a million miles. He couldn't stay in bed anymore.

He got up and slid his door which led to their garden. He looked up at the sky, even with the street lights, he could see the stars shining.

Off took a deep breath, clearing his messy mind.

I like you.

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