Chapter 17

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Warning- slight smut at the end

After getting introduced to his friends, New had been spending pretty much all of time with them. Gun adored New, this was true but when he went back to sit on Gun's couch with a bag of chips at 11 pm, he had enough!

That boy was so clueless! Not only was he in all his classes, breaks, projects, but he was also at his apartment all the time. And all Gun wanted was some time alone with Off.

He wasn't doing it on purpose, he was like this since little, he liked the company and maybe a little lonely in a new city. This is why Gun had been patient, very patient actually. Yet, it's been a month! A whole month, where he hardly had any alone time with Off.

"New, it's 11 at night."

"I know, I started a movie, come, sit." he patted the seat next to him.

Gun was only good at being gentle with very few, mostly Off and Tay. Although New made that list majority of the time. As for the rest, there's a reason people usually stay clear if they see him annoyed or mad.

"You should go home, I want to go to bed."

"Awww why? It's a Friday night!"

Ah, Friday nights! Gun sighed. All the things he and Off could have been doing. Instead, his boyfriend went to bed early and his friend was keeping him awake.

Gun was contemplating, New was a big teddy bear. Yes, he was big and built, but he's not great with feelings. After all, he would know the best. He found out New had a crush on his brother when they were 13. They were playing in New's room and Gun has accidentally knocked over New's treasure box on the table.  Everything inside went flying, including a few pictures of his brother, one of them landed next to his feet.

The panic on New's face. He first said it was nothing, then it was just nice pictures, then.. he had nothing. Gun's face told him he didn't buy any of it. After, he had begged and begged Gun not to say anything. Which Gun kept. Tay apparently had found out all on his own anyway.

He thought of the time when he was with Tay on vacation. They were staying up late, having random conversations, somewhere along the topics, New had come up. He had mentioned how he should have brought him along. He had watched Tay's face go visibly stiff.

"What's wrong?"


"Come on tell me, you are always like this when we talk about New lately. Did something happen? Last I remember, we were both best friends with him."

"We were..."

"What does that supposed to mean? What happened Tay? Why are you treating him like shit?"

"I'm not trying to. Just giving him some space."

It was Gun's turn to avoid the conversation, damn it, he promised New. At the same time, he was curious. It's a good thing if they both liked each other right? Unlike his love life, theirs would be easy. At least to Gun, that's how he saw it.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I don't know, I can't find the right words, I just find odd moments."

"Like what?"

"Like, he would always hug me, text me to check up on me or I sometimes find him looking at me for no reason."

"You are acting like he likes you or something." Gun tried to ask it casually.

"Does he like me?"

Gun wasn't prepared for that question. And asked it so bluntly.

"W-what? How would I know?" In his mind he was cursing himself for stuttering, hoping Tay didn't notice.

"I'll take that as a yes." Tay was looking at him like a hawk.


"I just wanted confirmation, He kind of already told me without realizing"

"I didn't say anything!!! And WHAT? When?"

"That's not important, don't encourage him. It's never going to happen."

"Fine, let's not talk about this now." Gun bit his lip, "so, where are you taking me tomorrow?"

Yes, Tay loved him and whatever Gun wants, he'll do whatever it takes to get it for him. Gun also knew there were certain lines he can't cross, one was getting involved in his brother's love life.

Coming back from his memories, Gun felt hurt for New. Knowingly or not, Tay was hurting him and he didn't want the other brother to make him feel unwanted too.

"New, can we talk for a bit?"

"Sure, what's up?" He paused the movie.

"Can we have some nights for just me and Off? I feel like it's important to spend some time together."

"Of course, you should! Uh, Why are you telling me this? Did Off say something?"

Yeah, he was a little slow.

"He didn't, Normally Friday and weekends are date nights and ..."

"Ohhh! Oh, Omg! Gun, I'm so sorry! Did I ruin your date night? I should leave."

"New, please. Calm down, it's not like that. You know we love having you over, maybe we can text first to see if we are free next time?"

"I'm sorry! Don't be mad at me," New sulked.

Gun chuckled, how the heck was this guy assigned to him? He hugged New, "Teddy bear, you never have to say sorry to me. I'm not mad, I still want us to hang out like other times. You just have to share me a little with Off" They both laughed at that.

Once New left, Gun went to their bedroom. He was wide awake. He watched his boyfriend sleeping adorably for a minute. Who did he think he was, sleeping so peacefully? Gun really wanted to ruin his sleep so badly.

He did it the best way he could think of.

He slid over to Off's side and removed the blanket. Off was a heavy sleeper. He wondered how long it would take for him to wake up. Gun slid the boxers down a little and took Off's cock in his hand. He was teasing it, rubbing it, licking it. It was working, Off may not be up but the other part of him didn't have that problem.

He then took it in his mouth, sucking it and pumping it at the base. He can taste the precum, so he licked it clean. Off was stirring a little, he could hear a faint moan on a particular suck, he kept at it, watching Off, sliding his hand up and down his cock.

"H-Huh," Off seemed to be half awake and a little out of breath.

"Oh good, you are up."

"What are you doing?" his dazed voice sounded damn sexy

Gun took off his shorts, sat on top and aligned Off's cock against himself, "I'm about to fuck you."

Didn't matter how sleepy Off was, it's long gone now.

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