Chapter 12

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A/N - December been a such a busy month. Sorry the updates will be irregular probably until after New Year.

Warning: Chapter is M+ 🔞🔞🔞

This time Gun didn't look embarrassed.

Instead, there was a hint of excitement.

Should he take the lead? Off thought.

Gun moved before Off, he wrapped his arms around and kissed Off. His tongue ran along his lips, begging for attention, he parted his lips, letting him explore inside.

Off's hands moved under Gun's shirt, his skin was so soft that he let his hands wander around everywhere.

He can feel those plump lips now on his neck, leaving trails of kisses from his ear to his collarbone. It felt so good. It didn't stop there, he continued to kiss Off over the shirt, on his chest, down to his stomach and he still kept going until Off pulled the Gun's face up to look at him.

"My turn."

Gun's shirt was the first to go, it was tossed somewhere in the room. He laid Gun in bed. Greedy lips were back on him. Kisses were rougher and his tongue was all over. From his lips, kisses went down his chin to his neck, leaving kisses and bruised marks.

Without much of a thought, Gun wrapped his arms around the shoulders and his legs around the waist. He was lost in the moment. The friction that it created between their bodies made him moan.

Off stopped for a second and looked at Gun. There were those flustered cheeks again. He was biting his lips.

"Don't do that" hand came out to touch the lips. " I want to hear you."

Off was completely turned on. And judging from the look of the other, he wasn't alone.

He moved slightly up to remove his own shirt. Before he could lean back down, he was pushed, hitting his back on the mattress. There was a body that climbed on top of him and sat on him. Gun's face peering down at him, "I want to be on top."

Off was blinking rapidly, did he hear that right? When he looked at the one on top of him, they said nothing, he was just watching at him, waiting for an answer.

Guess he had just assumed that he would be the top. It made him feel a little bad for thinking that way. He should have asked. Did he want to be the bottom? Honestly, not really, partly it was because he wanted to take care of Gun. The other was obvious, it would hurt.

Although he hasn't said it aloud yet, he loved him. Being with him was more important and eventually, he'll find pleasure in it as well. Making up his mind, he kissed Gun, "Ok."

Those dimple smiles were back, it wasn't hard to guess what Off was thinking but Gun wasn't expecting was that answer. If he had any doubts about how he felt about Off, he didn't anymore.

"I meant the position, I want to be on top of you," he gave him a sly smile and moved his hips.

Off was lost for words, I'm being played. Was he meant to go through an emotional roller coaster before his first time? Well, two can play at that.

He pulled Gun away from him and pushed him onto the bed, trapping him in between.

"How about you be a good boy? I'll let you sit on me next round," Off winked.

Without letting Gun find a retaliation, he captured his lips in a heated kiss.

His hand moved to the side of the bed where the bag was. He took the lube and the condoms out and went back to the one that's still dazed and panting.

Leaning back down, he went to kiss his neck. Not only was Gun ticklish, he was also sensitive, even on certain spots on his arm. He made sure all of those spots were thoroughly explored.

Gun was already having a hard time catching his breath. Off couldn't wait to get him squirming and moaning under him on other activities.

He lifted Gun's hips and took his pants and boxers off. Opening the lid, he took some lube coating his fingers. With his other hand, he moved to Gun lower body, taking Gun's member in his hand. He rubbed the precum along the slit, running his hand in soft strokes.

Gun's hands were firmly holding the sheet, his whole body was tingling, his moans were getting louder and louder. He suddenly jolted when he felt a cold finger. Off's eyes were glued to him, watching his reactions.

Off went to kiss Gun, trying to distract him, he was running circles around the rim until he felt the body was relaxing and entered the finger fully.

"Ahh..",he could feel the body was tensing.

"Does it hurt?" The boy shook his head. So he went back to distracting him, he was stroking him a little faster with his other hand.

Off brought his lips down the body until he was hovering over the cock in his hand.

He swiped his tongue along, "Off...ah!"

He ran his tongue a few more times from top to the base then took him in his mouth. He felt a tight tug on his hair.

He looked up only to see Gun arching his back, biting his lips again.

"Stop biting your lips," He continued to give his attention to the twitching cock.

He sucked him, trying to take in as much as he could. When it hit the back of his throat, he learned that he has gag reflex. While he was making new discoveries, his fingers were slowly  working Gun.

Distractions clearly helping. He had managed to get two fingers in, scissoring and pushing them in and out of him, he took out some more lube and tried three fingers. Gun was panting and there was a bit of discomfort on his face.

"Why are you still wearing pants?" Gun muttered.

"Why don't you take them off for me?" he took Gun's hand and placed it on his zipper.

He unzipped his pants and took off both pants and boxers after a lot of struggle.

Smaller hands were on his body, tracking down to his cock. The hand wrapped around him, gently stroking at first and then putting pressure bit by bit. At a particular touch, Off made a low moan.

Off removed his fingers from Gun, and positioned himself on Gun. He gave Gun a deep kiss, "try to relax ok?" and pushed himself inside. He was so tight that it felt like he was being sucked in. Gun's eye looked pained, he was breathing rapidly. "Relax, baby. Take a deep breath."

Gun did as he was told, it really was quite painful. It felt a little better when he relaxed but he was waiting for pleasure to take over the pain.

Off was slowly moving inside him. He took out some more lube and coated his cock. The cooling feeling made him feel a bit better and it got a bit easier to move inside him. 

After letting the other get used to him, he lifted Gun's hips up, still inside him. There was an immediate twitch and a moan.

"Did that feel good?" He was rewarded with a nod. Off continued to find the same spot over and over.

Once it looked like Gun was  no longer in pain, he went to touch Gun's leaking cock. He was matching his strokes with his movements. He sped up the pace, he could feel that he was not going to last very long.

Gun was at the edge. He hid his head in Off's neck and bit his side as he came, with muffled moans. Off was right behind him, cuming after a few more deep thrusts.

They were both out of breath, trying to calm themselves in each other's arms.

"Gun, let's have a quick shower before we go to bed."

Gun didn't budge, he refused to get up wanting to sleep instead. Shaking his head, Off went to take a wet towel and wiped Gun's body.

Off went to take a quick shower. When he was back, he was already sleeping. Off took the blanket which somehow had ended up on the floor, and covered both of them with it.

It was still New Year's eve. Half an hour to go before the clock hits midnight. He kisses Gun's forehead, "Happy New Year Gun!" I love you. He wrapped his arms around the smaller and went to sleep.

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