Chapter 5

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A/N - As promised extra chapter this week

The day of Off's surprise birthday party had come! He was spending the day with his family, celebrating.

Krist was on duty to bring him to Gun's place at 7 pm.

The other two were busy decorating the place, getting food and cake ready. 

Around 6 in the evening, Arm texted Krist to check if they were on their way and that everything was ready.

Off had a big family with 4 siblings, he was the youngest. Saying goodbye to the them was always a long process with repeated hugs and kisses and his siblings giving advice that he never asked for.

When he finally managed to get away, he met up with Krist and went to Gun's place.

"Surprise!!!" Gun screamed and jumped on Off just as he entered the house. Well, what a day to get a heart attack! Off thought, still managing to catch the surprise in his arms. Behind Gun was Arm, holding a birthday cake, laughing at Off.

"You guys did all this! Not a balloon on sight!" Off sighed in relief, taking in the room. It was decorated as if it's for a 12-year-old's birthday party. His friends were truly something.

"Happy Birthday Off!" Boys started singing while Off made a wish and blew out the candles.

They spent the evening eating their body weight, playing games, singing karaoke, and telling ghost stories until they were exhausted.

Off was finishing up a solo game when Gun decided to clear up some of the mess.

Both Krist and Arm had fallen asleep while listening to the stories.

As Gun cleared the kitchen island, he noticed 3 boxes. "Damn it!" He was a little frustrated with himself for forgetting.

"Who are you damning?" Voice startled the boy.

Turning around with a box, Gun looked apologetic, "We forgot to give you your presents. Sorry! Let's open them tomorrow when those two wake up." Gun said while pointing.

"You are still up, give me the one you got me."

Watching Off's eyes sparkle at the presents, He didn't want to deny him, gave the box he was holding.

Off's eyes widen looking inside the box. He'd been eyeing them for a long time, they were a pair of limited edition shoes from his favorite brand. He never mentioned it to anyone but Gun had known, somehow.  It made him feel warm inside that he was paying attention to him. He put down the shoes and pulled the boy in for a hug. His face fitted quite perfectly at the crook of his neck. He could feel a faint brush of the soft lips. The slight tug he felt on his chest slid as being excited to get his dream shoes.

Off finally clicked something and slightly pushed the boy to look at him. "I just realized something! I've known you for almost a year!"

Gun wasn't sure where this was going, so he just nodded.

"I can't believe it, we missed it."

Gun just looked lost.

"We never celebrated your birthday! It was your 16th, that's a big one you know!" He was visibly upset. "I don't even know when it is!" Off shouted almost loud enough to wake up the sleeping boys.

That made Gun laugh. That was true. He never told them his birthday. Since the topic didn't come up, he didn't bother to initiate. He felt less he told was better at the time.

However, things had started to change, he got a lot closer to the 3 boys than he expected.

"It's on October 4th."

Off made a face, counting in his head that it was over 3 months late. He lightly touched Gun's shoulders, promising him a surprise birthday present for his next birthday.

He will make up for the one he missed.


A/N: With where I am with the drafts of this story, I will be changing the ratings to mature soon. There will be some smut chapters in the future.

For non-smut readers - The story should still flow ok without reading those chapters. If there are any major story developments in them, I'll either try to separate or give a short summary.

Thanks for reading :)

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