Chapter 14

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A/N: Don't know about you but I've been in shambles since Not Me ep 3 and finding out about behind the scenes.


On their celebration day, they decorated their living room. Gun even when out of his way to get the ugliest couple sweaters he can find for them to wear. They ate, laughed, made love. Currently, they were cuddled next to their fake fireplace.

"Gun, I love you." Gun just cuddled closer, "I love you too."

He had a sudden memory of the first time they said it. It was on valentines day. It was not planned at all.

There was a restaurant Gun insisted on going to. But it was a famous place and was said to have the best food special on Valentine's Day. Without a reservation, there was no way they were going to get in.

But, there he was, waiting outside with Gun, who was hoping for a last-minute cancellation. It was 10 pm, they were both hungry and cranky.

He had dragged Gun out to find something to eat.

"Why are you pulling me? We could have a chance, I think I heard someone canceled."

"Are you crazy? They were about to close."

Gun was getting upset at being yelled at, "No! You are crazy." He stomped.

In fact, it was Gun's fault they didn't have a reservation. He was planning to but he was busy with other things it got delayed. When he called everything was booked.

"You know what? Fine! I am crazy, I'm crazy to let you drag me around just because I love..."

Gun was looking at Off without blinking. "What did you say?"

Off sighed, looking away, he mumbled, "nothing," this was not how he'd tell him.

He saw from the corner of his eyes that Gun was walking towards him, stopping right in front.

Off's head turned to look at him. Gun didn't look upset anymore, in fact, he had a smile on his face.

"You are looking at me again, that's a good sign right?" He leaned up, looked into his eyes, wrapped his arms around Off, "I love you."

They had spent the night eating food from a random restaurant. Now, he doesn't even remember what they had.

When they were walking home holding hands, Off leaned in and said "I love you too."


9 years ago

It was the first day of the new year. Gun just ended the phone call with Off. He was missing him terribly.

In two days he'll be home and couldn't wait to make up for the time apart.

"Tay! I'm done, ready to go?"

Brothers were going for dinner. Tay had spent all his spare time showing his brother around. There were so many nice malls and restaurants where he was and Gun had 5 large bags full of stuff.

"You know that you didn't come on our plane right? how are you planning to take them on a flight? You can barely lift one."

Yes, they have a plane but if Off saw that, it would lead to more questions that he was not willing to answer. So, he ended up taking a commercial flight.

Tay was now in his 4th year. He was doing very well, top of his class. When he was younger, Gun had claimed that Tay would be the only person he'd ever allow to operate on him. When Tay jokingly brought it up, Gun claimed it's still true, so he better do well.

"You know, I'll really miss you when you leave, but I bet you can't wait to go home," Tay chuckled, watching his brother blush.

"That's..." Gun smiled. "I do miss you though, calls are not the same, and it's getting harder with Off, he asks me a lot about you."


"Mhmm, he knows if I miss a call with you I'd have a bad day. I just give him vague answers, I feel bad..." Gun was lost in thought.

"...that you and dad will never get to meet him," Gun looked upset. He wanted the people he loved to sit in one room together.

"But at least you have met his. Didn't you say his parents were nice?"

"Yeah, they are. They invited me for their Christmas dinner. Off got sad to go alone. Apparently, his siblings picked on him when he's there by himself."

Tay laughed hearing that. He was glad to distract Gun.

He wished things could have been easier. Tay knew quite well that applied to his life as well.

On his last day, Gun clung to Tay. He was following him everywhere.

"Sit still for a second! Dad and I have spoiled you too much, you know."

"See, you made me this way, you only have yourself to blame." Said the brat.

Gun was never like this with Off, although he gets spoiled and his way most of the time.

With his family, he just can be himself without any secrets.

Tay shook his head chuckling, "come on, get ready. Let's go grab some lunch before I have to drop you off at the airport."

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