Chapter One: The Beginning

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My name is (Y/N) Kazutoki, and I will become a hero.

Getting recommended into UA's top hero class, 1-A, made my dreams into a reality. With this training and education, I will be able to help those all over the world in need.

Changing into the uniform All Might provided me in the welcome package, I brush my (H/L) (H/C) hair, keeping it straight. Putting on a little mascara and lip gloss, I rush downstairs into my living room, making sure I have everything I need.

"Let's see...books? Check. Phone? Check. Wallet? Check. Pens and Paper? Che-"

"We get it, you have everything you need" My older sister Ami said. She walked by me, flicking my head in the process.

"OW what the heck, dude? That's not cool" I puff. I grab my bag, ready to head out, but I get stopped in the process....once again.

"You better not leave without giving Mama a hug" my mom smiles. I hug her, mentally hitting myself for almost leaving without saying goodbye to the woman who made me who I am today.

"Good luck with your show tonight, Mama. You'll do great!" I smile. She returns one, hugging me one more time.

" OOOO I'm just so excited for you! Finally, a Kazutoki will use the power of music towards defending the city and ridding the world of maladaptive behavior!" She squeals. Ami rolls her eyes, scoffing and walking away, probably to tinker with some hardware again. I open the front door and smile.

"Bye mom! See you tonight!"

"Bye honey, make new friends! Learn new things! Enjoy it all!" I hear her call out to me. I step outside, shutting the door in the process. As I walk to the school, the wind blows my (H/L) hair gently. The sun lightly falls on my face. I take a deep breath in, feeling excited for the new experiences I'm going to-"

BAM !!!!

I accidentally run into someone, falling onto the ground. My head buzzing from the pain.

"Oh wow, I'm so sorry. I should've been more careful of my surroundings." I hear a dark voice say. The light that was once glowing on my skin now blinding my vision. I suddenly see a hand reach down to me. I take it and was soon lifted back up.

"Hi, the name's Kirishima. Eijiro Kirishima. You heading to UA?" He smiles at me. My heart jumps out of my chest as I take in my view. Shiny, red spiked hair. Pearly white and sharp teeth, but a perfect smile. Kind eyes. Wow.

"Oh uh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention, it's my fault entirely. Yeah, I'm heading to UA. I'm a transfer student from the recommendations" I smile back at him.

"Huh, so you must be heading to class 1-A then! Sweet, I'll show you around. Stick with me, I'll give you the inside scoop about everything in class!" He walks me to campus. After I gasp at how beautiful it looks, Kirishima brings me inside. I walk inside, being told to sit next to Kirishima since nobody was at that seat. Everybody comes in and sits down. I gain some stares in the process, feeling my nerves rise up. A man in a yellow sleeping bag with tired eyes rolls up from the floor.

"Alright you loud mouths, we have a new transfer student. She's been recommended into this program. Come on up here and say something quick, we don't have all day" He says. I stand up and walk to the front, feeling everyone's eyes on me. Luckily, I'm use to it.

"Hi everyone, I'm (Y/N) Kazutoki. It's nice to meet you all" I smile and wave.

"So what's your quirk, (Y/N)?" A boy with green hair asks me. I smile back at him.

"My quirk is Melody Connection. Using my voice and basically any sort of music, I can provide different feelings and actions onto villains, other heroes and citizens." I smile.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT KIND OF SHITTY QUIRK IS THAT, IT'S POINTLESS!!!" A boy with ashy blonde hair and flames in his eyes screams. I roll my eyes.

"Say you were fighting against a villain, not able to get him to release a hostage, or a group of them. My quirk would then be used to diminish the villain's dysfunctional behavior, allowing other heroes to safely rescue hostages and take out the villain. I can also use it to stop other heroes from acting out of anger and revenge. Which looks like you may be my first target, loud ass." I mutter the last part, gaining a few laughs from Kirishima and a boy with yellow hair sitting next to him.

"SHUT IT SHITTY HAIR! SPARKY! And you.." He stands up, about to walk towards me, when Kirishima grabs onto him.

"Cmon now, Bakugo. That quirk is pretty manly, maybe she could brainwash people with her voice or something. Or... well some other manly things. But sit down" He sits the boy named Bakugo down and heads back to his seat.  I smile warmly at him and turn towards the other peers.

"Any other questions?"

"Just one. Do you know your weaknesses?" I hear the professor ask behind me. I shiver, moving slightly to the side.

"Aizawa-sensi!!" A boy with navy blue glasses and blue hair speaks. I wave him off, telling him that it's okay. I think to myself for a moment, then speak up.

"Well, obviously my quirk can be used for long range attacks, but it would be pretty pointless if they couldn't hear me. Maybe I can work on my volume, along with trying to find out what other abilities I can do with my quirk" I answer confidently. He nods, approving of my answer and gesturing for me to sit.

As soon as I start walking back to my seat, I heard Bakugo grumbling. I smirk, knowing that I am a threat to him, and sit back down in my seat next to Kirishima. He smiles at me, giving me a thumbs up, to which I reply with one.

"Alright class, now let's start today with picking our class rep"

" A NORMAL SCHOOL THING?!" Everybody screams.

I sigh, thinking that I would be training at a time like this, but keep my head held high.

UA, you haven't seen nothing yet!


Hi everyone!

Here's the first chapter! I'll try to update as soon as possible, but I am still a full time college student and veryyyyy stressed!

See you soon!

- S <3

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