Chapter 12: Recovery

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I wake up laying down on a bed, my first vision being of a white ceiling and blue curtains to my right, covering my view of the rest of the room. I try to sit up before surveying the rest of my surroundings, but a sharp pain goes through my spine. 


I lay back down, unable to get up on my own. I hear footsteps running towards my door, and a blue curtain flies open, revealing the two boys that I was stuck with during the USJ attack. 

"What's wrong?!" Kirishima exclaims, Bakugo just looks at me with a worried expression but tries not to make a big deal. 

"Pain..." The only word I can get out. Kiri tries to help me sit up, but I shake my head. 

"I'm fine, really. My back is just-" 

"Completely bruised and your spine has been fractured in two areas" Recovery Girl walks in with a doctor. 

Bakugo sits down on a chair towards the end of my bed while Kirishima helps me sit up slowly. Once I'm comfortable and sitting up, he sits at the end of the bed. 

"When you got teleported through that villian, didn't you land on your back?" Kirishima mentions. I nod and look down, knowing that I'll probably need to rest for a long time. 

"Fighting that hand guy didn't help much either" Bakugo mumbles. I shoot him a look. 

"And yet here we are, not fighting people anymore. You're welcome" I sneer. He rolls his eyes and looks away as the doctor continues. 

"Recovery Girl can help you heal your bruises, but I'm afraid the spinal fractures will have to be healed with good ol fashioned rest and a wheelchair so you can keep your back as straight as possible"

"So I'll be sleeping straight for awhile too?"

"Well, as much as you can. Sleeping while sitting up can help it heal faster. Recovery Girl can increase your stamina as much as possible, but even with that, you'll have to rest like that for 6 weeks"

Great. No hero work, no improving my quirk. No figuring out what the fuck those villains meant when they said I haven't been using my quirk right. 

Recovery Girl kisses 3 parts of my back around the hospital gown. I already do feel much better, but compared to what it was before, I still have a lot of healing to do. The doctor brought over a wheelchair for me to use for the next 6 weeks. Kirishima and Bakugo helped me into it.

"We found your phone, by the way. Aizawa found it in that basement we fell into." Bakugo tosses it onto my lap. 

"Thanks, Short Fuse"

"I'll give you that one cause you're hurt, you damn idiot. But say that again and I'll rip you to pieces"

"Hey I'll take it." I chuckle. "Wait! Is All Might okay??" 

"As far as we know, yes. We didn't really see him afterwards, all of us got rushed out by the other pro heros" Kirishima explains. 

"I'm really sorry, Y/N. If we didn't jump towards that portal guy- uh, Kurogiri, you wouldn't be hurting like this." Kirishima sighs and looks down as Bakugo pushes my wheelchair out of the hospital. 

"Something probably would've happened anyways, don't blame yourself" I smile at him, and he smiles back. "How did I get to the hospital...?" 

"Oh, Bakugo carried you outside because you passed out after you finished usi-" Kirishima started to say, but Bakugo hit him against the back of his head. 

"Shut up, Shitty Hair!!" Bakugo yells. I laugh and realize that they are walking towards the direction of my house.

"I can head back on my own guys, it's okay-"

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