Chapter 14: Mystery

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After what felt like an eternity, the bell rings. Shoving my books into my bag and placing it onto my lap, I head over to Kirishima, who was waiting for me by the classroom door. 

"Hey there, Melody. Ready to head out?" He smiles at me, taking my bag off my lap and carrying it on one of his shoulders. 

"Yeah, but you don't have to carry that, Kiri, I can have it on my lap" I cross my arms and smile at him.

"Well I want to carry it for you! Besides, it would be very unmanly to let you continue carrying your backpack" He humbly says. I feel a blush creep up onto my face as he starts to wheel me out of the building. 

"Is Boom boy coming?" I question him, to which Kiri responds by shaking his head. 

"He typed out 'tsk' and didn't bother waiting, so I assumed no. But either way the park is down the street from him and our neighborhoods so if he wanted to join he can" 

Sadness filled my mind at the thought of Bakugo not joining us today. But I'm not sure why I'm sad, all he would do is yell at me about how much I suck and how he's gonna destroy all of us. 

So why do I already miss that loud and obnoxious bastard?

"But no matter! We're gonna work on your Quirk today!" Kiri notices my sad demeanor and ruffles my head. I giggle and fix my hair.

"Yeah yeah, let's hope my idea works. If not, we may need to brainstorm something..." I fade away from my original thought, thinking of something else to ask him. "Hey Kiri?"

He looks down at me while he pushes me along the sidewalk. "What's up, pebble?"

"Why did you want to invite Bakugo?" 

He chuckles softly and hesitates to answer. "Well, he's our friend, even if he doesn't want to admit it. I think you and I are the closest to getting through his very thick walls and I want to keep breaking them down. After all..." He hardens his hand and cheekily smiles. "I AM pretty good at that"

I laugh loudly at his attempt of being cocky. He's the most humble guy I know and even trying to come off cocky, he is super humble. 

After talking about how boring English was, we arrived at the park. The trees brightly green, flowers blooming, the sun fading away against some clouds and creating a chilly atmosphere. I shiver lightly, but not light enough to avoid Kiri's gaze as he takes his jacket off and covers my shoulders with it. 

"It's ok-"

"Take it, I don't want a cute girl like yourself to get cold, not on my watch. It's unmanly" He flashes a smile at me as I accept the jacket. 

"Alright. Just stand next to me. I'm gonna try something..."

"Am I gonna get hurt?" He looks at me concerned as I shake my head.

"Just watch!"

"Okay okay, I'm watching!" 

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in, letting it out after holding it for 3 seconds.  I take my hand and touch Kiri's arm. 

"What do you see in front of you?"

I look at Kiri, who's eyes have lost their sparkle. He opens his mouth and as expected, he sings what he sees. (A/N: What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong!)

"I see trees of green, red roses too

I see them bloom, for me and you 

And I think to myself

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