Chapter 21: The Sports Festival (Part 1)

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As soon as we were told, my feet sprang off the floor, but with no luck of getting through the entrance since everyone is fighting against each other. Elbows and knees being thrown everywhere, I struggle to think of a way out of this jam...literal jam.

"Teleportation!" I say out loud, and suddenly, I'm ahead of the group, running out of the stadium.

"WOW! Kazutoki has passed by the human traffic and made her way to the lead! But wait, Todoroki is right on her tail!" Present Mic starts to announce every move we make. I'm not sure if this motivates or frightens me yet.

"Nothing personal, but you might want to watch out" Todoroki's voice is heard from behind me. Bakugo's explosions echo through the entrance, indicating that he's close too.

I start to chuckle. "You won't pull anything-" I stumble on my words as giant robots appear in front of us.

"Those are the robots from the entrance exam!" A voice calls out. So this is what they dealt with during that...

"I told you to watch out" Todoroki races in front of me, but the sudden pressure and numbness I feel in my feet prevent me from going after him. I look down and see he froze all of our feet to the ground. Everyone behind me starts groaning and trying to break free, but all I can focus on is the robot's legs being frozen while it was unbalanced. I smirk.

"Todoroki, you son of a bitch..." He played a good move. The robot starts to tumble down as I panic on what to do. I think of all the Quirk's I've seen and think of the first one that came to mind.

"Hardening!" I feel my body completely harden. I hit the ice with my hand while it's hard, freeing me from the ice and letting me slide under the robot, nearly escaping. I keep running, my heart pounding harder with every step. Bakugo zooms by me with his explosions.

"Using Shitty Hair's Quirk?! What, is he all you can think about!!" He yells while going by me. I start laughing.

"Want me to use your Quirk? Just say so, Short Fuse. Teleportation!" I yell, letting me reset my 5 minute timer and get back in front of Bakugo. We get to the second part of the obstacle course, a huge canyon with a rope tied from one end to the other. I can't teleport, it's too big of a gap...

"Explosions!" I start using Bakugo's Quirk, using his explosions to propel myself again the gapping canyon, keeping me right behind him and Todoroki, even though he is way ahead of us and already made it to the third part. I feel my wrist start to hurt due to the amount of pressure on them.

"WOWWW! Kazutoki went from using Kirishima's 'Hardening' to 'Teleportation', then went right into using Bakugo's 'Explosions' to get herself across the gorge! Isn't that some adaptability right there!!"


"Too late, just did!!" I yell back, trying to keep myself focused on where I am. We get to a minefield, letting me see how Todoroki is avoiding the mines. "Float!" I yell, thinking about that Quirk I read about in a book once. I start floating across the minefield, but slower, since I haven't practiced this yet.

Wait...let me try singing a simple melody, maybe it'll help speed me up...

I start to hum a small melody, and notice my floating speed has increased. I smile, but it drops as soon as a loud explosion is heard from behind me.

W-what? But Bakugo is ahead of me!

Midoriya blasts in front of all of us in a cloud of blinding pink smoke, riding what appears to be part of one of those robots from the first obstacle. I smile and mentally cheer for him. Bakugo and Todoroki stop fighting and notice him fly by. He starts descending faster, and as soon as Bakugo and Todoroki get close enough, he hits the ground once more, finding a mine to explode that sends him flying in the lead. They start chasing after him. I land on the other side of the minefield and run as fast as I can, knowing I won't make it before the three of them, but wanting to still do my best.

"And the first one to make it back is...IZUKU MIDORIYA!!"

Todoroki runs in afterwards, followed by Bakugo, then myself. I start panting, trying to catch my breath. I look up after a minute and see Bakugo's face completely heartbroken. I walk over to him as the other competitors file in.

"You know...third isn't bad compared to the many others that'll probably be cut, Short Fuse..." I chuckle, hoping to lighten the mood a bit. He shoots me a glare as I slowly stop laughing. I heavily sigh. "Hey...I'm serious-"

"So am I. So back off, idiot." He pushes past me. I turn around and look at the back of his head.

"Bakugo..." I whisper loud enough for him to hear. He stops walking.

"Look. We both need to focus on what's best for ourselves. And talking to you will just distract me. So back off." He says, not turning around to face me.

I nod. "Fine. Then stop being so damn sad." He turns around and starts to angrily walk towards me, but I hold my hand up to stop him.

"If you're sad, then you're just psyching yourself out and you're not giving it everything you got. That's not the Short Fuse I know. So take all that anger and sadness you're feeling and turn it into something you can be proud of. Got it?" I lecture. He stares at me with an expression I can't quite make out. "Hey, Baku-"


I look at him confused. "What?"

"You heard me. Katsuki. Call me Katuski." He whispers. It takes all the strength in the world for me to keep myself from blushing as I nod at his statement. He does his usual 'tsk' and walks away. I sigh as I watch him get further from me.

"Hey, Melody!" I hear a perky shark boy call my name. I turn around and smile.

"Eijiro! You got through!"

"Yeah, well, I had to prove that I was the manliest! Besides..." He grumbles. "There's a guy from 1B who literally has the same Quirk as me, he just turns into metal or something..."

"Aww, don't be so down on're still the most genuine and humble man ever, and nobody can take that from you! Just keep showing everyone that you're amazing!" I smile. He hugs me.

"Thanks, (Y/N).'d you like using my Quirk?" He smirks. I blush and nudge him.

"Oh please, it was the best choice to use in that case scenario, it was fine!"

"Uh huh, you definitely liked it!"

"Whatever, at least I didn't use the metal guy's!"

We both laugh until Midnight calls our attention for the second round. We hear about the 42 students who make it to the next round, and both of smile knowing that we made it. She explains the rules of the Calvary Battle, assigning us all points based on our placements from the obstacle course. Whereas I've been assigned 250 points....Midoriya..


The entire stadium's eyes are all on Izuku, who looks like he is sweating bullets. I sigh, feeling awful for him. It must be a lot of pressure...

"You all have 15 minutes to make your teams...starting..."


~ ~ ~

Another update!

Who do you guys think will team up with you? There's so many options, I wonder what will happen!

I can't believe I'm almost at 600 reads, that's insane! Thank you all so much for the support, I hope you continue to loving reading this!

See you all soon!

~ S <3

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