Chapter 24: The Sports Festival (Part 4)

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Happy New Year! Here is a VERY long chapter for you all to start the year off right!!

Walking out of Recovery Girl's office, I continue to overthink about the upcoming chances of me facing off against one of the two boys I care the most about. Unfortunately, I was in Recovery Girl's office for so long, talking to her about her Quirk so I can start to use it and discussing the newest aspects of 'Gifted', I missed seeing the boys matches in person, but we did have it up on the screen. 

"Eijiro! Katsuki!" I call out to them as I see them in the bleachers. "I'm glad you guys won. Sorry I was still with Recovery Girl and couldn't watch in person..."

"I'm just glad you're healed up!" Kirishima smiles as I sit next to both of them. Bakugo rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. 

"It's not like I watched your desperate attempt to use IcyHot's Quirk anyways" He mumbles, clearly annoyed I didn't watch him in person. 

"Oh, really, Katsuki? How'd you know it was desperate then, hm?" I smirk. His face instantly gets red and he looks away. I chuckle and look out into the stadium, seeing Midoriya and Todoroki getting ready to spar. 

"Oh! So who are you guys facing next?" I look at Kirishima. He smirks and nods over to Bakugo.

"Explosion Boy over here is gonna go up against the manliest guy at UA!" He hardens his fists and hits them together. My eyes widen and turn my head side to side to look at them both. 

"Seriously?! Who am I supposed to root for now!" I chuckle, trying to make it into a joke, but Bakugo's "tsk" interrupts me. 

"Whoever you want to face in your next round, dumbass" He glares down at me. I look at him confused.

"I'm against Mina, Katuski, who knows if I'll win"

"Don't be down on yourself, (Y/N)!" Kirishima smiles at me and rests his arm on my shoulder. "Mina is strong and versatile, no doubt about it, but so are you!" 

"Thanks, Eijiro" I smile at him. The three of us start paying attention to match in front of us, realizing that Midoriya is yelling at Todoroki to use his fire. As a bright orange glow starts to form, it makes Katsuki stand up and lean against the side. 


"Maybe because nobody claims he's acting like a villain. Typical of Class A, they think everything is about themselves!" That Monoma kid calls out. Eijiro and I both stand up from our seats. I feel my eyes burning into Monoma's damn head, which is still smaller than his fucking ego. 

"The hell are YOU doing calling him a villain?!" I start marching over to him. Eijiro grabs my hand and pulls me back. 

"A hero called him a villain during his match against Uraraka, and I think Bakubro has taken it a bit personal..." 

I look out towards Bakugo, who's glance is focused on the match, either completely ignoring Monoma's comment or he didn't hear it at all. I turn back to Monoma and growl. 

"Say anymore shit like that and I'll personally bash your face into the damn concrete" I walk over next to Katsuki, who seems uninterested in my presence, Eijiro standing a few feet away from us. I look down at our hands next to one another and place my pinky onto his gently, not wanting to push it. His eyes gaze down at me for a second then find their rightful place out towards the match, which is heating up. Literally. 

Suddenly, a blast of heat, light, and somehow also cold, spreads across the stadium. The wind pressure picking up and slamming against all of us. Katsuki suddenly grabs onto me and shields me from the blast, Eijiro holding onto both of us from the side, my body being put against both boys. I bury my face in between them until we feel the wind dying down. A few moments go by until the three of us realize how close we are. I pull away from them and look away, a blush slowly creeping onto my face, but mentally blaming it on the wind that snuck in between their bodies. I look out into the stadium and gasp at the sight of Midoriya against the wall. Midnight announces Todoroki's victory, but I suddenly start running out of the stands and down to Recovery Girl, who is taking him into his office when I meet up with her. During this moment, I didn't know my two admirers were behind me.

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