Chapter 25: Respect

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Slowly regaining consciousness, I hear mumbling around me. Well, some of it sounds more like yelling. The voices around me start to become clearer as I open my eyes and see Bakugo yelling at Recovery Girl. 

"I keep telling you, Bakugo, you need to wait until she's awake to see her!"

"Bullshit, grandma. I need to see her NOW!"

I cough, making my presence known. Bakugo stops and wides his eyes, Recovery Girl rushing over to me and passing me a cup of water. 

"Thanks..." I drink the water and sigh, trying to recall the events that got me in this bed in the first place. 

"I'll let him explain what happened, since I have to go take care of Todoroki" She stands up and starts to leave. She looks at Bakugo and glares. "You better behave yourself"

"Whatever" He clicks his tongue and walks over to me, sitting on the chair she was in beside my headboard. I look into his eyes, an angry yet concerned look washing over his face. 

"What happened to Todoroki?" I attempt to question him, already knowing that the ash-blonde in front of me probably went too hard on him. He scoffs and glares at me. 

"You damn idiot. You gave up" 

I look at him confused. "Gave up?"

"You seriously don't remember our damn match?!" He growls. "You were giving everything, then you suddenly gave nothing!! You passed the fuck out on the ground and didn't fight to continue against me!!" He looks away. 

I hold my breath, suddenly remembering bits and pieces of the match. His explosion landing on my stomach, trying to use Todoroki's quirk, and passing out under his body surrounded by smoke. 

"I-I did everything I could, it was either break myself more by fighting you or let myself give in and train more later-" 

"Bullshit!" He snaps. "I don't want to hear it. First that damn Deku tries to tell me about some 'borrowed power' before the festival to piss me off, now you're giving me excuses too?" Bakugo scoffs. "Stop giving excuses and just give it your all already" 

My heart stops beating for a quick second. 

Shit, did Midoriya tell him?! Can I finally confide in one of my best friends about why I've been secretive?! I can't risk it, I don't know what he knows...

"What borrowed power?" I asked casually, possibly trying to change the subject, but more so because I want to figure out what Midoriya told him. 

"Stop changing the subject, dumbass." He growls. A shimmer of light shines below us, and looking down, I realize he has a gold medal on his chest. He puts a bronze one over my head. 

"You tied for third with Four Eyes" He rolls his eyes and puts his gold medal over my head as well. I look at him confused. "This one is-"

"NOT mine. I didn't win the way I fucking wanted to" He looks into my eyes with seriousness. "Besides, you told me to win it for you." 

"...I did?"

"YOU SERIOUSLY DON'T REMEMBER SHIT!!!" He yells. I start to laugh a little, which makes him confused. "The fuck are you laughing at?" 

"'s hilarious that I don't remember, but I believe you" I smile lightly. "'s yours. You may not have won it the way you wanted, but you won nonetheless. Be proud that with whatever happened, you always gave it everything you got. If your opponent didn't, including me, then that's their fault, not yours." I chuckle. 

He smirks a little, rolling his eyes in the process. "I guess you're right, but whatever. I'm still giving it to you. I won it for you, after all." 

Suddenly, the door swings open, and Kirishima and Midoriya run in. 

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