Chapter 15: Answers

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A couple weeks go by and at my check up with Recovery Girl and my previous doctor, I get some great news. 

"You've healed's only been 2 weeks..." 

I look up at the doctor with a confused look. "I haven't done anything outside what you have told me to do... except, you know, wish really hard that I would heal and recover, but that doesn't do shit" 

"It's astonishing. It's almost like you've healed yourself..." 

I sigh, flashing back to a few weeks ago when my mother dismissed me about my concerns. It's her last night home and I want to ask her about it one more time before she goes on tour. 

"You still need to have these bandages on and change them once in awhile, but you can walk around and train with your classmates!" The doctor smiles. I return a fake one and get out of the chair. He replaces my bandages and sends me on my way, Kirishima and Bakugo follow along with me.

"How the fuck did you heal yourself, dumbass?" Bakugo questions. I shrug and sigh.

"Look, weird things have been happening the past two weeks where I suddenly start experiencing other Quirks. First it was yours, Short Fuse-"


I slap my hand over his mouth, taking the risk to get bitten, which proves to be successful when no teeth come in contact with my hand. 

"Shut up and let me talk before I make Kirishima slap you with his hardened hand" 

"I don't think I would do that..." Kiri backs away. I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Listen. I don't know why this is happening. The other day I randomly made myself teleport to the other side of the living room to get the damn remote. I just said 'wow holy shit,  I wish I could teleport, I'm too lazy to move' and bam. It happened" I reminisce on the memory. 

"Maybe we should talk to Aizawa. He may know something" Kirishima pondered. Bakugo tsked once again and started walking down the hall. "Where you going, Bakubro?" 

"DON'T CALL ME THAT SHITTY HAIR! And what does it look like I'm doing?! You said Aizawa, so, I'm going to see him. Fucking idiots" Bakugo snaps and walks away. I rolled my eyes and follow with Kirishima by my side. 

"Bakugo, Kirishima, Kazutoki. What can I do for you?" Aizawa says as we walk into homeroom, nobody there to hear us since it was lunchtime. Kirishima closes the door and Aizawa raises an eyebrow in suspicion. 

"Sensei, something's been up with me and I'm not sure how to approach it..."

I explain everything to him. Starting with my entire experience at the park with Kirishima, truth and explosion, and ending with what Recovery Girl and the doctor stated. Aizawa takes a second to think about what I've told him.

"I have a suspicion, but Kazutoki, I need to you talk with your mom tonight and try to figure out if she knows anything"

"But Sensei, I tried and she shut me-"

"Try again. I think she's gonna realize something's up when you walk into the house without the wheelchair" He answers, ending the conversation. I nod and smile.

"Thank you, Sensei" 

"Update me when you can. I'll confirm my suspicion based on her response" 

~ ~ ~ 

Dinnertime. A meal meant for families to come together and enjoy some time with loved ones. 

Nope. It's full of awkwardness and unfulfilled discussions. 

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