Chapter 2: His Interest

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After figuring out the class representatives, who ended up being Iida and Yaoyorozu, we continued on with class. Obviously I don't know them personally, but they seem like responsible people. I voted for Kirishima because he's the only person I truly had a conversation with in the classroom.

Soon it was lunchtime, so Kirishima walked me to the cafeteria. He let me sit with him, the boy who I think is Kaminari, a girl named Ashido, and another girl named Jiro. They started to include me in a conversation about which hero was the best, when I hear a slam in front of me. I jump a little bit, but look up from my food and see Bakugo. He slammed his tray down on the table and sat down next to Kirishima.

"So, (Y/N), what's so special about your quirk? Tell me the truth, because I don't believe that bullshit you said in class." He starts to eat his rice as I sigh.

"I really don't know what you want me to say? I'm still figuring out my quirk as well, so you know as much as I do." I shake my head, playing with my crystal necklace, which came with my Quirk, but I won't reveal that until they see me in action.

"Actually, I was wondering how you could get music as a Quirk? I mean, when I listen to music anyways, I feel certain emotions. Can you talk more about how it differs?" Jiro asked. I smiled, happy to answer a genuine question.

"You're right that music can influence how you feel, but everyone has different reaction to it. I could be listening to the same song as you, but have a sad memory while you have a happy one. With my quirk, I am able to force someone to feel exactly how I want them to feel through different aspects, like rhythm or lyrics. I am honestly figuring out what else I can do with it, because I know in my gut that I can do so much more, but that's why I was recommended into this program. Besides, strengthening my Quirk can provide a lot of support for pro heros who are struggling to maintain villains." I smile. "I hope that answers your question?"

"Definitely! That's a pretty sweet Quirk, (Y/N)! Oh wait, or Kazutoki?" Jiro stumbles. I laugh.

"Either one is fine, but you" I point to Bakugo, still pissed off about class. "You're stuck with Kazutoki. I don't fucking like you." I roll my eyes.

"WHAT?! I CAN CALL YOU WHATEVER I WANT, DUMBASS!" He screeches. I roll my eyes once more, continuing to munch on my food.

"So, (Y/N)..." Kirishima calls me, winking at Bakugo in the process, making him angry, "What happens if the villains just, I don't know, block their ears? Wouldn't that ruin the idea of your whole quirk?"

I chuckle, knowing that question would've come up at one point or another. "Well, like I said, I can still create an impact with rhythm. A steady rhythm can create a calm feeling, while a rhythm with lots of subdivisions and stuff like that can have an upbeat feeling, whether it's angry or happy. I can also use a soft and slow tempo to create a sad or depressed feeling, or a loud and fast tempo to show different emotions like anger or happiness." I smile.

"That makes no sense whatsoever, Jigglypuff" Bakugo spits out. Kirishima laughs at his nickname for me, I look at him with a confused face.

"Jigglypuff is a Pokemon that can put people to sleep whenever it sings. Bakugo is just obsessed with Pokemon and won't admit it"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP GEODUDE!!!" He screams. I laugh, even though I have no idea which Pokemon that is, but it made Kirishima laugh, so I assumed it had something to do with his Quirk.

"Anyways, Bakugo, it makes total sense, but I guess you're just too dimwitted to understand" I sigh. I can see the smoke coming out of his ears as he just screams out the top of his lungs. I laugh and finish eating my chicken and noodles.

"Fight me in combat, Jigglypuff, and we'll see who's the better hero" he snorts. I chuckle lightly, knowing that I had to train hard in combat to make up for my quirk. Maybe I can learn how to use music to weaken  people? That'd be cool.

"No thanks. I rather not" I roll my eyes for what seemed like the 10th time in the past 10 minutes. Bakugo gets angrier than before, which is pretty surprising since he's already super pissed.

"Looks like they already like each other hmmm" Ashido jokes.


"Ew what? Gross"

We both yell those words at the same time. I look over at Kirishima and see his face drop a little when the thought of Bakugo and I liking each other came up. He saw me look towards him and he throws on a smile. I feel my heart strings tug a little bit as I smile back.

Finally, it's time for us to head back to class. I throw my trash out and start walking, when I feel a hand grab mine. I turn around and see Kirishima pulling me back towards him. He puts his arm around me as we walk to class.

"You know, your quirk is pretty manly, (Y/N). I know it doesn't seem like it since it doesn't revolve around combat, but who knows! Maybe you can find a way to strengthen yourself or people around you." He smiles at me, giving me optimistic feelings.

"You're right. That gives me a place to start. Thanks, Kiri" I say, giving him a nickname. He smiles and continues to walk with me to class with his arm around me.

I feel daggers burning into the back of my head, and when I turn around, I see Bakugo glaring at me. He turns away as soon as I catch him.

"Hey Kiri, why is Bakugo glaring at me?" I ask. He rolls his eyes and smiles.

"Bakugo is a strange man, (Y/N). But don't worry, he'll warm up to you in no time!" Kiri smiles.

I shrug and turn around once more, not seeing the same emotions as before. This time, Bakugo looks a little sad...

We get to class and I sit in my desk next to Kirishima. As Bakugo gets into his seat, my thoughts trail towards him. Why is he so into my quirk? Why was he looking sad and sending daggers towards me? I'm gonna need to find out.


Hi everyone!

Here's the next update! I'm so excited to continue to write this story!

If you like this, please go check out my current stories "Song of his heart" (Meliodas story) and "The Lion Sin's Daughter"!

See you all soon!

~ S ❤️🧡

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