Chapter 16: Processing

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~ ?'s POV~

"Hello? She knows." I say through the phone.

"The mother must've talked. Good work telling me. I'll deal with this."

~ ~ ~

~ Y/N's POV~

Bakugo and Kiri help me towards Bakugo's house, which ended up being the closest one of all our houses to where we ended up. Silence was the only thing present as we continued towards his home, and once we arrived there, they helped me sit on the couch.

"(Y/N)..." "Melody..." They both say at the same time, Bakugo using my actual name for once, which I was internally grateful for, and Kiri using the adorable nickname he made for me.

Hearing the names, I broke down once again. Kiri lightly putting his arm around me, not wanting to trigger me with what just occurred, but engulfed me into a hug when I dove into his arms. Bakugo went into what I assume is his kitchen.

"What did they do to you..." Kiri asks, anger present in his voice because I was crying. I sob more, and Kiri accepts that and continues to hug me until Bakugo shows up with a cup of hibiscus tea and crackers. He sits down on the other side of me and rubs my back, his hands as gentle as his voice from before.

They both let me cry for a few more minutes until all my tears were gone. I sat up and took a sip of the warm tea and bit into a cracker. "Thank you guys..."

"So I can go kill them now right?"

"Bakugo!" Kiri hisses at him.

"What?! They tried to hurt her, that's not happening on my watch again and they need to fucking die!!"

"That doesn't mean you act on that now, (Y/N) needs us-"

I chuckled lightly, making both boys turn to me in silence. My chuckles turning into full on laughter a couple seconds later.

"God, even when you are trying to comfort me you guys bicker. It's hilarious, and honestly exactly what I needed right now...lord knows I'm gonna be alone for the next few months" I sigh.

"Hey come on now, I know your mom just left, but we'll be here and you can always have us stay over for slumber parties or just to hang out!" Kirishima smiles brightly.

"What did your mom say." Bakugo cuts right to the chase.

"Can you let her talk when she wants, dude? That's so unmanly"


I laugh again, getting their attention. Once I stopped laughing, I leaned on the back of the couch, both boys had their arm around me.

"So...turns out I have another Quirk..."

So I tell them the entire story I heard from my mother. Both boys shocked at the words that came out of my mouth, especially how my father gave me the Quirk.

"So that explains the teleporting, the explosion, and the healing..." Kiri connects the dots. Bakugo tsks.

"Your mom is a prick for not fucking tell you, she's an idiot. I'm still stronger than you, even with this Quirk."

"Bakugo oh my god it's not about that-"


I roll my eyes, not laughing that time since I'm thinking about my last interaction with my mother. "Oh god, she probably hates me..."

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you, Melody..." Kirishima lowers his voice and rubs my back. Bakugo putting his hand on my back too to match Kiri.

"I'll have to change my hero outfit to help with this Quirk, I'll have to update the school and the Quirk doctor and city hall, oh god..."

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