Chapter 17: Moments

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Waking up in the arms of the two boys was something I wasn't use to, but I felt relieved. Having them to protect me gives me hope that everything will work out.

I turn to the red haired boy to my left, his mouth partially open, revealing his pointy teeth. His beautiful red hair falls over his face, and his breath keeps moving a strand up and down. His cute button nose scrunches up when the strand tickles him, and I smile lightly. His arm wrapped around my upper waist, I feel seen, heard, and appreciated.

I then turn around to the explosive boy to my right. His body stiff yet relaxed, his chest rises and falling softly. His skin glistening in the sun, probably due to his quirk, but it almost makes it too bright for me to keep my eyes open. His right arm around my lower waist and his left one under his head, I smile at him, feeling safe and protected from harm.

I sigh with content, accidentally waking up the explosion boy. His eyes flutter open and meet mine, a small blush on both our faces instantly.

"See something you like, Jigglypuff?" He mutters, still asleep despite being awake. I break eye contact and start looking towards the window.

"Well, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping. I do like those" I say. Bakugo rolls his eyes.

"I'm too tired to deal with your sarcasm right now"

"Too bad. You're stuck with it, Short Fuse" I smile, looking back into his red eyes. Bakugo chuckles, a small smile forming on his face. I gasp and sit up, both boys' arms falling off me.

"YOU SMILED!" I said a little louder. Bakugo stops smiling and throws the covers off him.

"No I didn't, you're just blind, damn idiot" He leaves the room.

"Mhm sure, Short Fuse!" I say back, accidentally waking Kiri up now.

"Good morning, Melody" He hums, pulling me back down next to him. I chuckle and look at his face.

"Morning, Kiri! Sorry for waking you, Short Fuse actually smiled and it was a great sight" I laugh. Kiri tenses up again but it quickly goes away as he pulls me closer to him, giving me a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I was too anxious to sleep last night, but I still made myself sleep because I was overthinking too much. Just...I want to protect you, always." Kiri whispers to me. My heart skips a few beats as I sink into his embrace.

"You both saved me, and you continue to save me every day." I turn so that my face meets his. "Honestly, Kiri...I don't know what I would do without you guys in my life." I feel my face fluster as he tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Have I ever told you how stunning you are? Your (E/C) eyes that sparkle whenever you talk about something you like, your beautiful (H/L) (H/C) hair, your laugh, and that're all around perfect." Kiri goes on, and if I didn't think my heart would explode before, it definitely would now.


"Eijiro. I love Kiri, but I want you to call me Eijiro. I-if that's okay.." his face turns as red as his hair. I smile.

"Okay, Eijiro..."

"God, it sounds like music coming out of your mouth...ironic with your quirk but..." he smiles. I chuckle and stare into his ruby eyes, but before anything happens...


"WAKE UP DAMN IDIOTS!" Bakugo says, barging in. His body tenses when he makes eye contact with us, but he shakes his head and a 'tsk' comes out his mouth.

"I'm running to the store for breakfast ingredients. I was gonna invite you guys but seems like you're comfortable." He hisses, storming off. I sit up quickly, looking at the open door with no Bakugo.

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