Part 6: It's Been a Long, Long Time

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Ding! He smiles instantly, knowing it's her as he fishes his phone out of his pocket.

Question. How long will these stitches hold?

I'll have a look at them tomorrow. You should be fine until then.

Thanks. I can't wait to see you.

He can feel his ears heating up.

Me too.

He's been texting Shannon all week - well, messaging through Tinder. The last thing he did before he left the morning after he stitched up her head was give her his phone number — but he told her not to text him. When she asked why, he showed her his phone. She laughed, kissed him, and wrote her number on his palm.

"For emergencies only," she whispered.

"Got it."

The nightmares aren't so bad this week. He knows it's partially because of her. She's been sending him pictures, mostly of her face with captions like "good morning" or just a little heart that he can't figure out how to send back. He looks forward to them when he wakes up in the morning. Sometimes she sends him videos of Ace doing something stupid, like chasing a squirrel or howling along with a song on television. It makes him laugh. He's been avoiding Sam's texts about Shannon for as long as he can.

"James?" Dr. Raynor calls. "Come on in."

He follows her into the room and watches (trying not to sigh heavily - it just draws more attention) as she picks up her notebook.

"So?" She asks as he sits down. "How's the week been?"


He keeps his expression and tone flat as he feels his Tinder phone buzz in his pocket. His body wants to reach for it, knowing it's her. An escape from... well, this. Dr. Raynor tilts her head.

"You're hiding something."

"This is a great way to start a session, doc."

"Last time, you said something about talking to a woman named Shannon. Is that still going on?"

Bucky nods. Dr. Raynor makes a note and he resists the urge to snarl or say something.

"Did you two go on a date?"

Another nod.

"Four — well, three. The first one was just a meetup to see if we liked each other."

"That's good," Dr. Raynor replies. "It's healthy to feel things out before you jump in with both feet." She quirks an eyebrow. "Wait, you saw her four times in a week?"

"Lunch, coffee, and then she invited me over for dinner on Friday. Only three of them were actual dates."

"You must really like her."

"I do. She makes me feel good. She understands me."

It's the most vulnerability he's shown Dr. Raynor. She raises her eyebrow.

"Does she know? About you and your past?"

"Sort of, not really. I spent the night at her place last Friday."

"You must really like her."

He rolls his eyes.

"It wasn't like that. We connected, talked. You told me I should be more open with people and let them in."


"I had a nightmare and I told her why. Sort of. I left out the part about the brainwashing and having a vibranium arm, but she knows I used to be a soldier." He sighs. "Like I said, doc, she understands. She's in therapy too. She, uh, lost her husband in the snap and they split up when he came back. Maybe that's why I feel so connected to her. She's been through stuff too."

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