Part 51: Born for This

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Author's Note: A lot of the dialogue is taken from the show and altered. I'm gonna put this note up forever until this fic is done lol

They land at around 2am and spend the night in a hotel just outside of Baltimore. Sam sleeps in the single bed while Shannon and Bucky take the small twin. He emerges from the bathroom in a t-shirt and pajama bottoms and puts earplugs in and grabs an eye mask to keep the light out.

"I don't want to hear either of you fucking during the night or I'll throw Tinman out the goddamn window," he announces, climbing into bed.

Shannon salutes him and Bucky rolls his eyes.

"Scout's honor, Sam. No hanky panky."

Sam nods and pulls the covers over himself, falling asleep the minute his head hits the pillow. Shannon and Bucky sit on the bed, Bucky's eyes focused on the pattern on the blanket. She elbows him and digs into her purse, pulling out her cigarettes, and flashes the pack at him.

"You wanna go out on the balcony? Talk?"

"Sure," he whispers.

Shannon grabs a few mini bottles from the fridge. They sneak out, closing the balcony door behind them. She sits down on the ground, sticking her legs out between the slats, dangling over the city below. Bucky tries to do the same, but his legs are a little too thick so he gets as far as being able to stick his calves out. She lights her cigarette and passes him the pack and the lighter. Bucky sparks his and breathes out, sighing softly as a cloud of smoke hangs over them like a stormcloud. Shannon hands him a tiny bottle of Jameson that looks microscopic in his metal palm. He cracks it open and drains it.

"You okay?" She asks.


"You're lying," she laughs. "I can always tell."


"Your mouth twitches a little. It's very slight. It took me a while to catch it." She takes a long drag of her cigarette. "I observe you closely, Bucky."

"I'm glad someone does."

She chuckles and they fall silent. Shannon looks over at him.

"Who's Isaiah?"

"He was a Super Soldier," Bucky whispers. "I met him during the Korean War. He took half of my arm off in Goyang."

"Why were you in Korea?"

"My mission was to obliterate the American troops. Everyone who tried to take me down never came back. Isaiah was the only one who beat me. He almost killed me. Isaiah and a bunch of other soldiers were an attempt to recreate the serum that turned Steve into... well, Steve. They were always trying to recreate Steve. Eventually, they put him in jail for trying to save American POWs from an Air Force raid that would wipe out all evidence of their experiments on Isaiah and the others. They ran tests on him in prison. He watched his friends die in front of him. I didn't find that stuff out until later."

Tears roll down Shannon's face.

"That's evil," she whispers. "That's so fucking evil."

Bucky nods.

"I know."

She sniffles.

"You know it's impossible to feel pride in a country that was founded on genocide and slavery, and then does shit like this. Experiment on people and throw them away like they're nothing."

Her jaw is quivering. The tears don't stop. She sucks on her cigarette to control her rage. Bucky is quiet.

"I didn't even tell Steve about Isaiah."

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