Part 18: Want You Back

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The lights go out and Bucky sees the book clutched in Zemo's hands. He's trapped as the man circles him like a predator. He might as well be gnashing his teeth and snarling at him. Bucky's heart begins to pound. He should have known. He should have seen this coming. With all of his knowledge and experience, how the fuck did he get himself into this? The metal restraints are tight on his chest.


"No," he whispers.

His head slams against the seat.




His throat is tight. He can feel it coming, taking him over like a cancer.

"Stop!" It's pleading, caught in his throat. He has to choke the word out like vomit.


Bucky screams. He knows that his body is no longer his own.

He should have seen this coming.


His metal cage is suddenly so much easier to break through. All he can focus on is getting out. His metal hand begins to punch through the glass. Focused, determined, rage builds in him - he screams while Bucky dies inside of him.

He should have seen this coming.


Whatever HYDRA put inside of him hasn't left. He tried so hard to crush it, to hide and figure out a way to fix what they had done. He thought maybe that if he could get part of his mind back, he would no longer be their property. Bucky never wanted to be a glorified attack dog for HYDRA. His memories were beginning to return. He remembered Steve. Brooklyn. His mother. Rebecca. They came back in flashes and dreams. Bucky was just beginning to remember who he was and now it's slipping away from him. Smoke through his fingers. Tears streak down his face as he hits harder. And harder. And harder. His mind is foggy now. Lost. Compelled to obey.


He's gone. Covered in darkness. The words have him. All of him.

"Vozvrashcheniye domoy!"


"Gruzovoy vagon!"

The glass shatters and he drops to his knees, no longer Bucky Barnes. Zemo goes quiet. Bucky hears footsteps, sees shiny shoes. He stands as Zemo approaches. A weapon.

"Soldat?" Zemo asks, searching Bucky's face with curiosity.

"Gotovy podchinit'sya."

He wakes up dripping with sweat and gasping. His body shakes. The words... were they... are they... No. No. Ayo told him he was free. He's free. He's okay. Safe. His bedroom. Blankets. Soft blankets. It takes him a few seconds to catch his breath. He looks down at Shannon sleeping soundly next to him. He runs his fingers through her hair and she moans softly in her sleep. Bucky smiles as his heart rate slows. Ace scrambles to his feet and trots to Bucky's side of the bed. He rears up on his hind legs and sticks his face in Bucky's, licking his tears away. Bucky reaches up to hug him.

"Thanks, buddy," he whispers.

He puts his feet on the floor and tosses a t-shirt on before padding out to the kitchen to get a glass of water. To his surprise, Sam is sitting at the kitchen table with his phone in his hand. He looks up and his brows knit together.

Trying Your Luck - Bucky BarnesxOCWhere stories live. Discover now