Part 20: Shannon's Bucky Mix

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Author's Note: Links to my Spotify (and my playlists for this fic) are in my bio.

Bucky doesn't wake up with a gasp, or in a pool of his own sweat. If he had a nightmare, it was swept away by the sunrise. His eyes open gently in the morning, to the sensation of Shannon kissing him on the shoulder. He can hear the wind rustling through the chimes Shannon has hung in the window. They're bathed in soft morning light and the warmth from her skin sends a soft tingling sensation down his spine. Bucky looks at the pile of pizza boxes and beer bottles stacked neatly on the floor next to the clothing they abandoned. Shannon's laptop rests on his side of the bed. She brought it in from the living room so that they could watch movies. He turns his head.

"Morning," he rumbles, his voice low and gravelly from sleep.

Her hair is a mess, and her eyes are bright and sparkling.

"Morning, sunshine."

Bucky hums and turns around, pulling her toward him. His fingers dance along every inch of bare skin that he can find. She gasps as his fingers drift between her thighs. Shannon grabs his wrist and smirks at him. Bucky grins.

"I know that look," he breathes.

"What look?"

"You get that look when you've got an idea."

"Do I?"


Shannon climbs on top of him and kisses her way down his chest, his stomach, and his hips while his hand swims through her hair. She drags a fingertip up and down his cock and he moans softly. Bucky watches as she lowers her head and swirls her tongue around the tip. He whimpers and gulps as Shannon takes him deeper. Bucky's head falls back into the pillow and he moans. His body is on fire and his hands find her hair, guiding her head up and down his shaft. Slowly. Bucky quickly realizes that he has no control and resigns himself to simply falling into bliss. She knows exactly what she's doing. Pleasure washes over him in gentle waves. Her mouth is so warm. Shannon lets out a soft moan and he feels her fingers wrap around the base of his cock. Her hand strokes what her mouth can't reach. Bucky lets out a raspy groan.

"Shit," he whispers. "Oh my God."

He can feel himself getting close and tugs on her hair. She releases him with a soft pop and stares up. Her mouth is slick with saliva and she quickly wipes it away.

"Are you okay?"

Bucky nods wordlessly. Her eyes go wide.

"Oh, fuck, were you about to..."


Shannon crawls over to the bedside table and grabs a condom. She rolls it over his cock and teases herself with the tip, rubbing it against her clit before she eases herself onto him. Bucky's eyes slam shut as she throws her head back. He feels her beginning to grind down onto his hips and cries out. Fuck, she feels amazing. What the hell were they doing with him on top before? This is so much better — well, every new position he finds with her is better. He's not sure if they're just hopelessly in love, if all of that research is paying off, or if they're both just incredible at sex and neither of them knew it. Either way, he doesn't care. This is... shit, he wouldn't trade this for anything.

His hands grab her hips just for something to hold on to. Shannon controls the pace while Bucky is gloriously helpless against her. She leans over and licks the shell of his ear, moaning into it softly. He growls and kisses her as hard as he can, his tongue swirling over hers as they share breaths, snarls, and groans. She rips her lips away from his to ride him harder and they cry out in unison. One of his hands rests on her hip while the other reaches up to gently twist her nipple. Shannon begins to shake.

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