Part 61: Little Talks

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They lay on the hotel bed. Shannon got him a new pair of pajamas from the hotel gift shop. Black sweatpants and a black tank top. It's pretty much the only colors he wears.

She's ordered a feast from room service. Pizza, milkshakes, cheesecake, candy (just for him), and macaroons. They stuff their faces while Ace and Alpine sleep at the foot of the bed. Bucky spent half an hour telling both animals that they couldn't have any food before Shannon tore off a piece of her pizza and let Ace have it. Bucky sighed, told her she spoiled him too much, and then gave Alpine a few pieces of pepperoni. Shannon giggled and called him a pushover. It's hard not to be when a tiny little white kitten is pawing at his arm, meowing softly.

The television buzzes as Bucky watches it while munching on candy. It's mostly a bunch of talking heads discussing the situation with Walker, some praising him for the beheading in Riga while others condemn the act as footage of Walker parading around on Good Morning America juxtaposed with his actions in Latvia replay on a loop in the background.

"He took down a terrorist! That's what Captain America is supposed to do!"

"Are you telling me that this is what America has come to, Paul? Murdering people in the streets? It's shameful."

"Don't tell me you feel sorry for these people! They're blowing up buildings for Christ's sake!"

Shannon looks over at him, the remote clutched in her hand. The conversation on the television is cut short by the words "BREAKING NEWS: JOHN WALKER HEARING BEGINS". Walker is in full uniform being driven to the courthouse.

"Do you want me to change the channel?"

Bucky shakes his head.

"It's all right. What Walker did was wrong. Steve would have never lost control like that."

"What do you think he would have done?"

"Let him go. The shield was never supposed to be a weapon. It's supposed to protect people."

Shannon gestures to the suitcase on the dresser.

"What's in there?"

"It's my favor from the Wakandans," Bucky replies. "Sam's new suit."

"Have you heard from him at all?"

Bucky shakes his head.

"Not for a couple of days. The last thing he told me was that he was in Baltimore and then he was going back to Delacroix to help his sister out with the boat." Bucky sighs. "Torres doesn't have any intel on the Flag Smashers. They've gone underground. Karli's a ghost. So, we just wait."

"I texted him," Shannon tells him. "Sam. He misses you."

Bucky rolls his eyes.

"No, he doesn't."

"Yes, he does!" She laughs. "Why is that so hard to believe?"

Bucky shrugs. Shannon rolls onto her side.

"Buck, he loves you. Like a brother. And I know you love him too, otherwise you wouldn't have stuck by his side for so long."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you and I should go out to Delacroix, and you should talk to him. Bring him the suit. He's already got the shield."

"What about your dad?"

"He's being discharged in a couple of days. We'll stay another week here, drive back to the farm with them, make sure they're settled, and then we'll go."

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