Part 46: All This and Heaven Too

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Author's Note: Content warning for knifeplay. Because I'm not finished with that yet. Again, it's not violent, just experimental.

Bucky sleeps for a solid three hours. When his eyes finally pop open, he sits up, feeling refreshed. He doesn't normally nap like this – or at all, really. He wonders if it's because he's starting to feel truly safe and comfortable here. The blankets are soft, and the bedroom is the perfect temperature, with just enough sunlight pouring through the window to keep him warm, and just enough wind blowing through so that he doesn't overheat. Bucky's arms stretch high up into the air as Alpine leaps onto the bed and into his lap, purring like a motorboat.

"Hey, Al."

He picks her up and puts her on his shoulder. Her tiny body wraps around his neck so that her head is resting next to his cheek.

"You know, one day you're going to be too big for this," he reminds her.

And even when she is, he'll still carry her around on his shoulders like a small, furry backpack.

Alpine meows softly as Bucky stands up and walks into the kitchen. It actually looks more like a bar now. Shannon has cleared the countertops of most of the appliances and put small tealights everywhere, along with seemingly endless strings of tiny lights that look like fireflies. She's setting the food out on the table as Bucky walks in, still in his t-shirt and jeans from earlier.

"Morning, sleepyhead," she coos as she gives him and Alpine a small kiss each. "How was your nap?"

"Really good," he replies. "I feel better."

"Yeah, you were out cold. I lifted up your arm a couple of times and dropped it. You didn't move an inch."

"Yeah," Bucky chuckles. "I must have needed it."

He looks at the living room. It's fully decked out to look like a small cabaret. The atmosphere is gentle and relaxing – nothing like what he pictured when she proposed the idea of a housewarming party.

The lighting is soft, and her cherry-red sofa is adorned with a soft black throw blanket that Ace is currently napping on. She's dragged the coffee table so that it's flush with the wall and set out glasses and full bottles of liquor for guests. There are tall bar stools against the walls and the chairs are arranged to create a small, cozy space for conversation or just listening to music.

The patio is decked out too. There are more bar stools and a tall table that's draped with dark fabric. In the center sits an unlit candle. The record player has been dragged out so that it's front and center and Shannon has set aside a small selection of records for the evening. Bucky wanders over and picks a few of them up. All jazz, and some Marvin Gaye for Sam. Probably at his request. She's put in a few records that Bucky likes. The Andrews Sisters, The Ink Spots, and Nat King Cole. He looks over his shoulder and past the gigantic white lump that is Alpine resting on him. Both brows are lifted and a huge smile on his face.

"You did all of this in three hours?"

"Yep!" She chirps. "How's it looking?"

"It doesn't look like our living room, that's for sure. Where did you get all of this extra furniture?"

"Storage. Most of it was Will's from our old place. He had this weird little mancave that he had set up. When he disappeared and I wanted to downsize, I didn't have the heart to give any of the bar furniture away. It's just too nice. So, I kept it. I never really intended to use it, but the theme of the party sort of demanded it."

"It really looks like a little jazz bar," Bucky laughs. "Now you just need to fill it with cigarette smoke."

"Oh! Sam and I bought a smoke machine! Well, I bought it, but he hauled it up the stairs for me."

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