Part 64: Forget Me Not

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Author's Note: Once again, the dialogue from the training scene is taken from the show and modified by me. I just don't want to get sued or some crap like that.

He hasn't slept in a bed this comfortable since they left New York. Even the one at Sharon's place in Madripoor was too soft, but this is perfect. Every morning, sunlight seeps in through the gap in the curtains, warming his body to a perfect temperature that's optimal for staying underneath the blankets all day. This morning, he wakes up to the smell of vanilla, cinnamon, and syrup wafting up the stairs. Immediately, he sits up, and Alpine swipes at his face.

"Hey!" He hisses. "What did I do?"

She yowls. Bucky glares at her.

"I bet you Shannon already fed you." He leans over, touching his nose to hers. "Let me smell your breath."

As though she can completely comprehend what he's saying, she sneezes in his face. Seemingly out of spite. She's powered by it.

"Or you could cover me in cat snot, that's all right too."

Another yowl. Bucky hears Shannon's voice from downstairs.

"Alpine! Leave your dad alone!"

He laughs.

"It's fine, Shan! I'm up!"

He showers, dresses, and scoops her up into his arms. Alpine snuggles into his chest, purring softly. Bucky looks down at her as he trots down the stairs.

"That's all you wanted, huh?"

She looks up at him like she's grinning from ear to ear. He nuzzles her face.


He walks into the kitchen, cradling Alpine like a baby. Shannon is fully dressed in jeans and a tank top. The wound on her shoulder is still healing, but it looks much better with the stitches out. Her hair is pulled back into a French braid that cascades down her back. She turns around as she slides some waffles into a large Tupperware container. She looks beautiful, innocent – nothing like the vixen in thigh-high boots and a lingerie set that almost sucked his soul out of his body in the bathroom last night.

"Awww!" She laughs. "Look at the two of you. She was pissed at me because I wouldn't let her eat the waffle batter."

"Sounds like her," Bucky laughs as he sets her down on the kitchen table and goes to give Shannon a kiss. "Morning."

"Morning, sunshine."

She hands him a cup of coffee. Bucky goes to grab a plate, but Shannon stops him and snatches it out of his hand.

"We're taking these to Sarah's. She's making another feast for everyone, so I texted her and told her I'd bring some waffles."

"But I'm hungry now!" He whines.

She giggles and presses her nose to his.

"You know, for an old man, you sure whine a lot."

"It's my right as a senior citizen," he quips.

She giggles and kisses up and down his jawline.

"Any nightmares last night?" She asks him softly.

"No, after round three, I was pretty much dead to the world."

Shannon grabs her coffee cup as she packs up the rest of breakfast.

"Me too. I think you fucked my soul out of my body," she laughs.

"Well, you looked gorgeous while I did it."

"Ten times, Bucky!" she whispers, even though she doesn't have to. "You made me come ten times!"

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