Part 65: At Last

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Shannon is hunkered over her laptop while Bucky makes coffee. They got up early to get a head start on his list and tidy up the house before the Johnsons come home tomorrow afternoon. She's in a t-shirt and jeans that are covered in holes and rips. She insists it's the style, but Bucky doesn't believe her. Her hair is piled on top of her hair while wild tendrils spill down every which way. Bucky is in a blue t-shirt with paint stains on it from the boat and black jeans. Pretty much his standard outfit for anything related to fixing the boat. Most of his clothes are ruined, but he doesn't care.

He managed to convince Sam to give him access to his login info for the database he used to dig up dirt on Will, but only after Bucky promised that he wasn't going to use it for anything nefarious. He swore up and down that he wouldn't. He just needs it to track down some of the people on his list. Only some. Others are creatures of habit, staying in the same place for years. They shouldn't be too difficult to track down with some Google searches. But some people require a bit more technological prowess than he's able to achieve alone.

"Buck, I need Sam's login information for this database."

"Username is STW. Password is his birthday."

Shannon laughs.

"You know, for a group of superheroes, you guys sure suck at keeping your online identities secure."

Bucky chuckles.

"Better than my password for everything."

Shannon quirks an eyebrow.

"Which is?"

"Password," he says with a wince.


"What?!" He exclaims. "It's easy to remember!"

"Oh, Buck," she sighs heavily. "You and my dad are way too much alike in some respects."

He kisses her on the top of the head as he hands her coffee filled with that disgustingly sweet peppermint creamer she loves so much. Even for him, the man with the biggest sweet tooth in the world, it's too much.

"I love you. Thank you for helping me."

"Of course, Buck." Shannon leans forward, squinting slightly. "Well, this database seems pretty straightforward. It just looks complicated at first glance. Who are we starting with?"

He sits down beside her and opens his book.

"Andre Rostov."

"All right." She types and hits enter. "His last known location was Moscow. Sometime in the 1980s."

"Check bank records," Bucky tells her.

Shannon frowns.

"How do I – oh! There's a tab for that! How considerate of them." She hums quietly. "Ummm... money transferred to some offshore accounts. Wow, I thought that was only a thing people did in movies..."

Bucky smiles at her innocence.

"Unfortunately, not. It's very real."

She hums softly, tapping her chin with her index finger as she squints and leans into the computer.

"It looks like the account was in the Bahamas."

Bucky takes a gulp of his coffee.

"I'll start there, then." He sighs. "I'll leave tomorrow. I promised Sam I'd help him paint the boat today."

She looks up from the laptop and tilts her head, the way she does when she wants to ask him a question, but she's not sure how to phrase it.

"On the plane. With Zemo. He said one of the names on your list was Y. Nakajima. That's Yori, right?"

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