Part 41: Soldier's DNA

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The first few nights back in the city are rough. Bucky has lunch with Yori the first day he can. They don't go to Izzy's. Instead, they eat pizza on a park bench and walk around the city. Yori picks a few things up for dinner while Bucky tells him all about Kansas and moving in with Shannon for the month. Yori grins at him and says, "it'll be a lot more than a month." Bucky smiles. It's hard to feel normal around Yori now. The notebook with his list in it is practically burning a hole in his pocket.

Over the next week, he has to file more paperwork to let Dr. Raynor and the powers that be know about his temporary change of address. He tells Dr. Raynor that he and Shannon are doing a "trial run" to see how well they can cohabit before actually taking the plunge to move in together. She looks at him like he's insane, like he's moving too fast. Maybe they are, but he can't help but feel elated when he thinks about the fact that he won't have to sleep alone for the next month – maybe longer.

His gut tells him that he'll be leaving Queens behind sooner rather than later, but he tries not to get his hopes up.

It's a Saturday when they finally find the time to start packing some of Bucky's things into boxes. The sun is shining, and she opens up all of the curtains in his apartment, along with the windows to let in some fresh air. They pack while they listen to music. Mostly clothes, books, and Alpine's toys. They leave the little cat bed that she never actually sleeps in because she would rather sleep directly on Bucky's face or nestle herself between the two of them. Shannon jokes that they're raising a kitten with separation anxiety and codependency issues. By the end, there are about three big boxes stacked up near the door. Alpine hops on top of them and bats at the doorknob. Shannon giggles as Bucky hands her a beer.

"You know, I think she learned that from Ace."

"She's too smart for her own good," Bucky remarks.

"She sure is cute, though."

He grins and they do a final sweep as they sip their beers. Shannon calls a taxi.

"Are you sure you don't want to take anything else?"

"I think we got everything."

"Yeah, I guess. I forgot how little you actually own."

"I got used to living with almost nothing," he whispers.

Shannon's phone rings.

"Hello? Oh, of course. We'll be right down." She hangs up. "Cab's here."

They haul the boxes downstairs and load them into the back of the van, along with Alpine in her little carrier. When they reach Shannon's apartment, he insists on carrying two boxes while she takes the lightest one. The driver helps them carry Alpine inside, dropping her off at Shannon's door. Bucky gives him a twenty-dollar bill and they step inside. His breath catches in his chest when he sees a banner that reads "WELCOME HOME". There's champagne on the table and two glasses for each of them. He turns to Shannon, who laughs.

"I had to do it."

He chuckles and wraps her in a giant hug.

"I love you."

"I love you too," she whispers. "I'm happy you're here."

Bucky pulls back.

"Me too."

They drink champagne and unpack his boxes. Shannon makes room on the bookshelves for his books and she's already cleared out a drawer and some space in the closet for his clothes. She's done a lot of prep to make him feel like he's not just a guest, but that he actually lives here now. As they're sliding his books into the bookshelf, he looks at her and smirks.

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