Part 67: Parties and Short Goodbyes

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A/N: The engagement party! Sarah and Shannon discuss business! And Shannon/Bucky phone sex! This chapter has it all, folks!

Turns out, Sam invited a small portion of the neighborhood to this party. It's mostly people he, Bucky, and Shannon have met over the past few days. Sam is at the grill, chatting with one of his neighbors as they approach. Bucky would normally feel nervous, but he feels a twinge of excitement. He's getting married. Him. It's crazy to think about it. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be walking toward a party with his fiancee's hand wrapped firmly in his. Shannon gives his hand a small squeeze and he smiles at her. As they walk up to the house, Sam stands up, and gestures toward them.

"Speak of the devil, here's the happy couple now!"

A small crowd of people gathered around the back porch wave and there's a scattering of applause. Bucky feels strange, put on the spot, even. Shannon waves while Bucky laughs softly.

"I feel like we're royalty or something," she jokes.

"Well, you look like it. I'm just your sidekick."

Sam looks so happy and relaxed. Sarah and the boys wave and hug them both as they reach the back porch.

"Congratulations!" Sarah exclaims. "I'm so happy for you guys. Sam says it should have happened a long time ago."

Shannon laughs.

"Well, we've only known each other for five months."

"Hey, when you know, you know," Sarah replies with a big smile.

She pats Bucky on the shoulder and pulls him in for a small hug.

"The ring is beautiful, by the way. Good choice."

"Thanks, Sarah," he whispers.

"You want a drink, Buck?" Shannon asks him.

"That'd be great."

AJ and Cass rush Bucky, throwing fake punches at him. He dodges and high fives them, laughing. Cass jumps on his back and Bucky pretends to yelp, dropping to his knees. AJ and Cass giggle hysterically as they come around in front of him. Bucky climbs to his feet with both boys practically bouncing off the grass.

"Bucky, can you teach us how to punch?"

"No!" Sarah calls over her shoulder as she and Shannon head inside to get drinks.

"Sorry, guys," Bucky tells them. "I've gotta do what your mom says."

"Awww, come on!" Cass whines. "Not even one?"

"Nope." He leans down and whispers. "Maybe later, though when your mom's not looking."

Their eyes go wide with hope, and he chuckles. He's surprised Sam hasn't taught them anything. Then again, Sarah is very protective of the boys. Sam lets someone else take over grilling for him as he jogs up to give Bucky a hug.

"Hey, man. Congrats again."

"Thanks, Sam," Bucky replies with a soft, happy sigh as Sam looks him up and down.

"You look good, dude."

"Oh," Bucky laughs. "Thanks. Shannon bought these for me."

Sam shakes his head. A smile lingers on his lips.

"That's not what I meant, man. You don't look like you're carrying the world on your shoulders anymore."

"Well," Bucky chuckles. "There's still a few more things to do before it's completely off my shoulders."

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