Part 66: Gifts

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Bucky and Sam spend the day painting the boat and fixing the motor while Shannon, Sarah, and the boys drive into New Orleans to pick up party supplies. By the time they're finished, both Bucky and Sam are thoroughly exhausted and covered from head to toe in motor oil and they both look like they've used their shirts as painting palettes.

He walks back to the AirBnB to shower, letting the hot water melt his muscles into a state of semi-relaxation. Vertebrae and joints pop gently as he stretches his shoulders and spine beneath the jet of steaming hot water. Bucky shampoos his hair and beard, and turns the shower off, wrapping a towel around his waist. He trims down his beard. Not too much, but just enough that it's still thick, but not unkempt. He uses Shannon's blowdryer to dry his hair after swearing at it and trying to find the right setting that wasn't blasting hot air in his face. Normally, he just hits things when they don't work, but he's pretty sure she'd kill him if he ruined this. She paid a ridiculous amount of money for it. His fingers dip into some of the pomade that she bought for him and he pushes it back through his hair until it's perfectly coiffed. Bucky admires himself in the mirror, turning his head from side to side.

"Not bad for a 106, Barnes," he murmurs.

From downstairs, he hears a knock at the door. His brow furrows. Sam would just walk in, Shannon has a key, and the Johnsons won't home until tomorrow. Quickly, he shrugs on a t-shirt and some jeans and rushes to answer it. There's nobody there, but when he looks down, there's a small metal box sitting on the porch. Immediately, his suspicions are aroused. What if it's Karli. She knows where Sarah lives. It's possible she could have found him too. But what would be the purpose of something like this? It's so... small. Or maybe he's just big.

He tilts his head and bends down to pick it up. Bucky examines it for a second. It doesn't look like there's a seal until he runs his metal finger over the front, and it pops open. Inside, are two white wedding bands. In the center of each band is a small wolf's head carved in gold. There's a small card tucked underneath them.

WHITE WOLF!!!!! I heard the news, congratulations!!! (Sam Wilson is a big gossip). Your fiancée is beautiful. Don't think I didn't look her up!

I couldn't resist making you a little something for the wedding (I know it's a ways away, but this is just something I whipped up). These bands are vibranium. As long as you're both wearing your rings, you'll be able to feel each other's heartbeats. And don't worry, your band will fit around your left finger. They adjust to the size of the hand that wears them.

May you two have a long and happy life together. You deserve it.

I think it's time that you let go of the Winter Soldier name. For good. Don't you?

I'm proud of you, James. You're a good man. Despite everything, you always have been.

- Shuri

P.S. I expect a wedding invitation!

For the first time since Wakanda, Bucky bursts into uncontrollable sobs, sinking slowly to his knees as years of emotion comes bubbling to the surface. But this, time, it's not at the expense of pain, it's just joy coursing through him. He deserves this. He once asked Dr. Raynor what he was supposed to do with his newfound freedom, but now he knows the answer. After all of this shit with Karli and the Flag Smashers is over, and once his list is finished, he'll truly be free. He'll have peace.

With tears streaming down his face, he sits back onto his haunches. With shaking fingers, he picks up the rings and examines each of them. The smaller one is definitely Shannon's. He sniffles and laughs in disbelief that this is his life. A beautiful woman who loves him, a cat, a dog, his best friend by his side, and now he's going to be a husband. He hears someone step onto the porch and looks up. Shannon is standing in front of him with a worried expression etched onto her face.

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