Part 53: Madripoor

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Author's Note: This. was. a. beast. but there's lots of Zemo and Shannon bonding, some stuff from the show, and - OF COURSE - smut.

Zemo's idea of a safehouse in Madripoor is more of an endless, sprawling mansion hidden away from pretty much everything. Shannon doesn't ask how he got it or if it's even his. It's gorgeous, though. Marble columns, soft lighting, sprawling spiral staircases, and massive paintings that look like they should be in MoMa. It looks like a castle. Zemo leads them upstairs to a back room with huge closets filled with clothes. There's a large white sofa and some plush chairs. The room kind of looks like a fancy clothing boutique in Soho that Shannon could never afford to shop in.

Zemo has already laid out outfits for Sam and Bucky. For Sam, it's a red, black, and gold suit with intricate detailing. It's quite beautiful, but Sam hates it. He walks out of the massive closet that they're using as a makeshift dressing room with a scowl etched on his face.

"I look ridiculous. We have to do something about this. I'm the only one who looks like a pimp."

Zemo scoffs and sips at his drink. Bucky downs his and immediately pours another. It's some kind of ridiculously strong local whiskey. Shannon gagged at the smell of it, but Bucky tells her it's the only thing that gives him a bit of a buzz.

"Only an American would assume that a fashion-forward Black man looks like a pimp. You look exactly like the man you're supposed to be playing. The sophisticated, charming African rake named Conrad Mac, aka the Smiling Tiger."

Zemo passes his phone around. Shannon looks over Sam's shoulder and her eyebrows snap up. Sam's resemblance to the Smiling Tiger is uncanny.

"He even has a bad nickname," Sam mumbles. "He does look like me though." He turns to Shannon. "You think?"

"It's pretty damn close," she remarks.

Bucky's Winter Soldier uniform is quite simple – a reddish plum leather jacket with straps across the chest and waist that hold weapons. The arm of the jacket has been purposely removed to display his vibranium arm, and Zemo gives him a pair of tight black pants and new boots. He looks uncomfortable. As Zemo hunts through the closet for something for Shannon, she walks over to him and sits down next to him.

"You okay, gorgeous?"

He nods. Shannon can tell by his silence that he's dreading the evening.

"It's just for a night," she reminds him softly, picking up his metal arm and kissing his knuckles. Bucky smiles. "You know who you are, Buck."


She leans in to whisper in his ear.

"Besides, I think you look kind of sexy in this thing."

He scoffs and laughs softly.

"I love you," she whispers in his ear.

"I love you too."

"I still think you should wear the mask, James," Zemo calls.

"No!" Bucky says firmly. "Out of the question."

Zemo shrugs.

"Mask?" Shannon asks.

"HYDRA used to cover part of my face to make me look more intimidating. Just the idea of wearing it makes my skin crawl. It's too close to who I used to be."

She reaches out and squeezes his knee.

"Makes sense."

"This is what he used to look like, Shannon," Sam says showing her a picture of the Winter Soldier on his phone.

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