Part 63: Heartbeats

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They walk back to the AirBnB just after sunset. The only thing illuminating the two of them is the moonlight bouncing off of the water and the dying light on the horizon. Shannon is buzzing, skipping ahead of him to look out at the water, her periwinkle sundress billowing in the soft breeze. She turns her head to look at him and the end of her ponytail grazes her cheekbone. She looks like a goddess. Bucky's heart skips a beat. He reaches into his jeans pocket and wraps his metal fingers around the ring. Now? Does he do it now?

"Hey, slowpoke!" Shannon calls. "What are you doing back there?"

Bucky chuckles and lets go of the ring. He decides, no. Not right now. Soon, though. She reaches for him and makes a pouty face. Her personality has completely shined through the past four months. She's animated, playful, far from the shy, reserved woman he met at the coffee shop on their first date. Her dress whips tightly around her gorgeous figure and Bucky bites his lip, drinking her in as she's illuminated by moonlight. When he reaches her, she sticks out her hands to pull him toward her. Bucky's arm slides around her waist and her hand rests just above the pocket where he's keeping her engagement ring. He prays she doesn't stick her fingers in and accidentally finds it. Normally, he carries it in his jacket, but since he's been constantly trying to figure out when to ask her and what the perfect moment looks like, he's preferred to keep it in his jeans.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" She asks him.

"It is," he agrees. "I really like it here."

"You don't miss New York?" She asks him.

"Not really," he says, turning to her. "Home is wherever you are."

"I'd tell you that was cheesy, but it actually made me tear up a little," she chuckles.

"It's true," he insists. "We could live anywhere, and I'd be okay with it."

His fingertips graze the bandage on her shoulder as they turn and walk toward the house.

Once inside, he takes Shannon into the bathroom to take out her stitches. Bucky sits on the edge of the tub while she's on the floor, petting Alpine. She complains less about these stitches than the ones in her head.

"You know, the last time you were taking my stitches out, I got an orgasm out of the whole thing."

Bucky grins as he begins to cut her stitches and pull them out. The wound is almost healed, aside from being a little red. He leans over and nibbles on her earlobe.

"You'll get whatever you want after this, doll, so long as you're a very good girl for me."

She lets out a soft whimper.

"Is that what you're into tonight?" He hears her whisper.

"Mmhmm," he purrs. "We only have a few days in here, and I said I owed you some quality time."

He can see the back of her neck growing pink. Bucky holds in a chuckle and begins to kiss it softly as he removes the last stitch and sets the scissors back on the counter.

"I bought something while you were away," she tells him through soft moans and whispers.

"Oh yeah?" He asks as he trails his fingertips up and down her arms.

"Can I show you?"


Slowly, she puts Alpine aside and stands up. Bucky looks down at her.

"You probably don't want to watch what's about to happen, Al."

She tilts her head and Bucky scratches her behind the ears before she trots out of the bathroom. Bucky takes a deep breath and hears the sound of high heels clacking against hardwood. Shannon appears in the bathroom doorway in those fucking thigh-high boots that Zemo gave her in Madripoor and a new poppy red lingerie set. A lace bra and panties that leave nothing to the imagination and are strictly there for him to peel off and toss onto the floor. There's a small red ribbon tied around her neck that attaches to the front of her bra. She's let down her hair so that it flows down her arms and back in huge, chaotic waves. She reaches into her bra and pulls out a tube of lipgloss, swiping it over her lips. She shifts her weight so that her hip is jutting out and follows his gaze as he traces the gorgeous curves of her body. Bucky shifts, palming at his hardness.

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