Part 60: far from home, but we're so happy

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Author's Note: Bucky and Shannon reunion! This contains a little bit of sub!Bucky because I've discovered that I am super into that. Most of this chapter is just Shannon and Bucky acting like horny teenagers. I apologize for nothing.

He gets stuck in North Carolina for a day and a half due to a lightning storm.

He Facetimes Shannon the moment the plane makes an emergency landing.

"Hey!" She chirps and then starts laughing. He rolls his eyes.

"What? I'm working it, aren't I?" He grumbles.

"Buck – you... you have to hold the phone more than five inches away from your face."

He frowns and holds the phone out at arm's length. The guy beside him is staring at him like he's from outer space.

"Did you land?" Shannon asks.

"We had to make an emergency landing in North Carolina. I'm sorry, doll, but I won't be home today."

She's disappointed, but he promises that he's on his way back to her as soon as possible.

He sleeps in the airport, and they stay on the phone for hours, sometimes just listening to each other breathe. Bucky just wants to hear her voice. He stays on the phone with her until she falls asleep.

He gets on the next flight out the next morning.

The plane can't land fast enough. He's exhausted but relieved to be home. Anywhere she is is exactly where he needs to be. As Bucky suffers through the slow departure of the passengers from the plane, he grips the suitcase containing Sam's suit for dear life while his go-bag is strapped to his back. The customs line is long. They're taking their time, checking for anyone who might have ties to the Flag Smashers – and anyone who might want revenge on Walker for what happened in Riga. Bucky sighs and pulls out his phone. There's a text from Shannon.

Out front ;)

To say he's impatient with the border guard is an understatement. They grill him on everything, including the cuts and bruises on his face as they rifle through his bags. Bucky tells them to be careful with Sam's suit. Although, seeing the Dora kick the shit out of these guys would almost be as funny as what they did to Walker. He doesn't push, though. Walker may have taken care of his situation with Dr. Raynor, but one outburst or wrong step puts him in a precarious situation. He can't risk losing Shannon.

"Who are you meeting?" The guard asks.

"My girlfriend."

"What's her name?"

"Shannon Meyers."

"How long have you known her?"

"Four months."

And then they ask the same set of questions again in different ways, as though they're trying to get him to slip up. Finally, Bucky pulls out his military ID and slaps it on the counter. The border guard's eyes go wide.

"You're an Avenger."

"Yeah. You wanna let me through? I just want to see my girlfriend, man."

The border guard stammers.

"My apologies, Sergeant Barnes."

Bucky snatches the suitcase out of his hand and zips up his bag.


He sprints out of the airport and toward the entrance. Apparently, he runs right past her, because he hears her voice floating on the air. Actually, it's more like an audible knifestrike piercing his ears.

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