Part 27: Feel Something

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Author's Note: Content warning for smut.

After dessert, Sam, George, and Shannon are deep in a discussion, leaping from topic to topic so quickly that Bucky can barely keep track of their line of conversation. George seems to have no trouble keeping up, mostly telling stories about his time in Vietnam and when he first met Janice. He seems comfortable in that space. Familiar. As though the memories are a warm blanket, shielding him from his illness. Shannon seems to be there partially to keep an eye on her dad and to help him remember the odd word when he needs it. Sometimes he's grateful, and sometimes he snaps at her. She appears to take it all in stride. Sam occasionally reaches over to squeeze her hand and remind them both that it's okay, or that he doesn't mind the long pauses or struggles. George is always very thankful.

Janice taps Bucky on the shoulder.

"I could use some help with the dishes."

"Oh! Of course, ma'am."

"You don't have to keep calling me that," she chuckles.

"Sorry, Janice."

"It's fine, dear. Come on."

They begin to pick up plates. As he passes Shannon, he leans down and gives her a peck on the cheek. George notices and winks at them. Bucky smiles and follows Janice into the kitchen. There are sticky notes on cupboards and the refrigerator. Things like "PLATES GO HERE", "PEANUT BUTTER IN FRIDGE", "CHECK DISHWASHER".

"Are these for George?"

Janice nods.

"He likes to try and help out around the house sometimes. I don't mind so much, but when he starts putting the plates in the freezer, I get a little testy."

She passes the comment off as a joke, but Bucky can see the hurt in her eyes. Slowly, she's losing the love of her life to an invisible monster that's taken over every aspect of their lives. Bucky takes the dishes from her and rinses them off in the sink.

"Can I ask when he got sick?" Bucky asks.

"About six months ago after everyone came back."

"Were you two..."

"Oh, no. We were fine. Our neighbors, though. They were gone for years. When they came back, the bank had seized their house and they had nowhere to go. We offered them a place to stay, but they skipped town. They were a younger couple. Much younger than George and I. I guess that had some options and took 'em." She looks up at him. "What about you? Did you disappear?"

"Yeah. I'll tell you, it was a trip coming back after so long."

"I can imagine — well, no I can't." She glances down at Bucky's left hand. "Is that a glove?"

Bucky's eyes flick downward. He realizes that he's completely forgotten to put his gloves back on in the bedroom. He's become so comfortable with Shannon that other than the airport and any time they leave the house, he doesn't bother wearing them. He stammers and stumbles a bit, his face flushing.

"It's a prosthetic, actually. Lost my arm in combat. Works just like a real hand though. See?"

He wiggles his fingers.

"Wow," Janice whispers. "That's amazing."


She pats him on the shoulder.

"No need to be self-conscious about it here, dear. Everyone in this town is real friendly."

"That's a relief," he replies. "I usually wear gloves."

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