Part 47: Trouble Man

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Author's Note: We are beginning to inch into TFATWS storyline. I will be messing around with it a little because that's just something that I do. 

Most of this is written from Bucky's POV with Shannon's coming in at the end of the chapter.

Sam's dialogue in the Smithsonian scene obviously belongs to the wonderful and talented writers of TFATWS and not me.


One Month Later

Living with Shannon is much easier than either of them expected. Their month-long trial run comes and goes. Shannon's divorce from Will is finalized without her ever having to step foot in a courtroom or even hear from him again. Bucky moves the rest of his things out of his apartment and permanently changes his address with Dr. Raynor. They put his television in the bedroom and combine their record collection. Sam is suspiciously absent from both of their lives. Shannon assumes that it's because he's busy, but one day, out of the blue, they get a text from him, followed by a handwritten invitation, inviting them to the Smithsonian in Washington, DC. Shannon accepts the invitation on Bucky's behalf, telling him that it would mean a lot to Sam if they both went. Bucky isn't so sure. Sam has been acting strange lately. He doesn't drop by as much as he used to, and when he does, he's distant. His mind seems elsewhere. The dynamic that he and Bucky have spent three months building has disappeared.

They fly out to DC on a weekend. Shannon books them a hotel room near the Capitol building and drags him out to do touristy things. He hates it. He's nervous and his stomach is in knots until the morning of the event on their last day before they fly out in the morning. Shannon dresses up and Bucky shrugs on a blazer over his t-shirt and jeans. She insists he's too casual, but he doesn't have it in him to put effort into his appearance.

When they arrive, Bucky looks up to see a giant banner displaying Steve's face in his Captain America uniform. The podium is empty, but he spots Steve's shield resting against it.

It's a farewell to Steve Rogers. They're turning his best friend into a goddamn exhibit.

They stand in the back of the crowd. There are military and government officials mingling and shaking hands. Shannon grabs them a glass of complimentary champagne and Bucky downs it, trying not to crush the crystal in his vibranium fist.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

He shakes his head.


She rubs his back.

"I know. But I know Sam will appreciate seeing us in the crowd. Do you want to go wander around Steve's exhibit before this thing starts?"

"I've seen it," he replies curtly.

She sighs. He can tell she's irritated with him. He feels a little bad. She's just trying to get something out of him, make him feel better, but he can't shake the feeling that's pumping through his veins. After what feels like hours, Sam steps onto the stage in a suit. He spots Shannon and Bucky in the crowd and smiles at them. She beams and waves while Bucky nods his head. Sam steps up to the microphone and introduces himself before taking a deep breath.

"Steve represented the best in all of us. Courageous, righteous, hopeful. And he mastered posing stoically."

The room laughs. Bucky smiles. Sam continues.

"The world has been forever changed. A few months ago, billions of people reappeared after five years away, sending the world into turmoil. We need new heroes. Ones suited for the times we're in."

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