Chapter 4

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John POV

John's first week back from his suspension passed. Then his second.

He was getting used to the bowing by now, and a few of the students had stopped... he was glad of it. Sera has restored some of his confidence- hanging out with her usually did that. John smiled a little thinking about her. She's helped me so much, and she's so amazing. His heart warmed to remember her words.

When he was with Sera, John could believe that he wasn't a monster. It was only when he felt most alone that the memories and pain came rushing back. He hated those moments. Luckily, though, these thoughts had vanished for a short time after he'd talked to Sera about it. He was glad of it. Focusing in school was a lot easier without self-hatred constantly bringing him down.

Now it was hard to remember why John had ever been against Sera. She had been a beacon of light to break him through the darkness of his mind. Her words, "You're not a monster," had become as ingrained in John's head as Keon had made Claire's; He was constantly picturing her. Sera's magenta hair with green highlights and her deep blue eyes had never looked as beautiful as in that moment, and her smile that he'd only just started seeing again was stunning... Every time she laughed at something he said, or simply just looked at him and grinned, John felt a warmth surge through him. She's so amazing. He wanted to tell her this, but at the same time it was nice to simply soak in the comfort of her presence...

John noticed out of the corner of his eye that several students were staring at him, most appearing confused. He'd been spacing out while walking to class again. When they saw him looking, they quickly turned away. John reached up to touch his face. Is there food on it or something? There wasn't.

He realized suddenly what the difference was. While thinking of Sera, he'd begun smiling broadly; most of the students at Wellston hadn't seen him smile for a long time, and definitely not when his hair wasn't drowning in gel. In fact, John couldn't remember a single time he'd smiled while being King. It had all been a haze of anger, something that Sera had broken him out of.

John began to walk faster. Maybe Sera would be in class again! She wasn't most of the time, but even she couldn't miss every single class... or maybe she just knew how much her presence gave him support. Either way, he hoped to see her soon.

Before he could reach his class, however, John had to turn a corner. As he walked, he began to hear whispers. His heart plummeted. Are they talking about me again? He'd heard so many students murmuring behind his back in fear and contempt already behind his back. It was kind of painful to hear, even if he knew he hadn't been a good king. The only time he didn't notice them was when Sera was by his side.

As John continued, he began to hear the whispers in more detail.

"Wow, he's back!"

"I wonder why he was gone, it doesn't really make sense..."

"I heard he was doing something bad."

"Do you think John beat him up again but the Headmaster didn't want us to know?"

He paused. None of them were really about him, besides the last one... he winced at the thought of beating someone else up. I've already hurt enough people for a lifetime. Most of them didn't deserve it. He hadn't mentioned it much to Sera, but John still didn't fully regret beating up Arlo. Him, and Zeke, back when he'd been Joker. He had a feeling that a lot of people would agree with that, though... John couldn't think of anyone who'd ever liked Zeke. What was I thinking in allowing him to be my henchman? Why did I even have a henchman in the first place?? John sighed. It was far too difficult to stop picturing himself as a villain when he thought of the past.

"I can STILL HEAR YOU!" A familiar voice yelled, causing John to freeze where he stood.

"Why does everyone always gossip so much?" Another voice asked. John's heart had begun pounding. No, no, not all of them! I don't want to see them!!

He ducked back around the corner, biting his lip and standing very still. He did NOT want to have to talk to the people he knew were right by his classroom, and especially didn't want to see their stares...

"Isen, we all know you like listening to it. Who are you trying to hide it from?" The first voice interrupted with an annoyed sigh.

"He's right," A girl's voice agreed. Slowly, John peeked around the corner.

Just as he'd thought, some of the Royals were standing there. Remi, Isen, and... Blyke. Instantly John was reminded of the multiple times he'd beat up the school's previous Jack. He suddenly wished Sera would've brought him to his senses a little earlier. Sure, their 'Safe House' club had been very late, but that didn't mean trying to hunt them all down was a good idea... especially fighting Blyke enough to ensure that his old roommate hated him...

"I missed you, Blyke," Remi was saying. "Things here were way harder without you."

"I was here," Isen quickly interrupted. "I helped with the Safe House!"

"And has John tried to attack it yet?" Blyke continued, ignoring his orange-and-black haired friend.

John's heart was growing colder in his stomach. He'd noticed something about what the red-haired boy had said... "has John tried to attack it YET?" 'Yet' as in Blyke assumed he would. John bit his lip. Well, he's been gone for the past few weeks. He hasn't seem that I'm different now. The thought didn't do much to reassure him.

After all, Remi still gave him suspicious glances, Isen still yelped and sprinted when he saw John, and Arlo, of course, continued glaring... Still being mad at Arlo, John had glared back. He'd tried avoiding the Royals to the best of his ability. It was easier that way. The only person he wanted to hang out with was Sera, anyways.

She was all that mattered. At least, that's what John tried to convince himself of as he speedwalked to an empty classroom and waited for Remi, Isen, and Blyke to disappear before going to his next class.

His past should stay in the past.

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