Chapter 42

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John POV

Once John had made it out of the school building, he practically sprinted to his dorm. His heart was pounding in his chest, though he knew it wasn't at all because of his pace. Instead, it was because of what Sera had just told him. It was because of who specifically she'd told him about.

Jane. It was a name he hadn't heard in a very long time. The name, ability, and level were all familiar though, and if the last name started with D he knew it had to be her...

He hated how it all made sense. His dad suddenly becoming busier with something, his uncle showing up, all of the mentions of his mother. They knew. They knew, and they hadn't told him. The only condolence he had was that Sera, who had given it away, hadn't realized it was related to him. Mixed in with his surprise, confusion, and anger was a gratitude towards her for telling him. Even if it only caused him more pain, at least he wouldn't go on hearing the hints with no clue what they meant.

He threw open the door to his dorm, his breathing rushed. As the truth rushed over him, he felt a cold wave of fear wash through him. How long has it been like this? How long have they known? He bit his lip. How long has she suffered with none of us helping her?

John felt something else settling in the pit of his stomach. Guilt. He hadn't done anything to help her either. He hadn't even tried to find her. Instead, he'd simply guessed that she'd left their family and spent his life angry at her. She didn't leave us, though. She didn't want to leave. They were using her this entire time, and I've just been hating her for being gone.

He wanted to punch something. He wanted to scream. More than that, he wanted answers. John took off his shoes and opened the door to his own room, ignoring the red-haired boy who'd just walked out of the kitchen. As he was closing the door, he thought he saw Blyke trying to wave a hello to him. He couldn't bring himself to care. The fact that the other boy was trying to be nicer to him, maybe even accepting him, wasn't important right now... what was important was that his mom was being experimented on.

If she'd been dead, maybe he could've just moved on. It had been years, after all. The fact that she was still there, though, and still suffering, only made John feel more restless. I have to do something. I have to help. He didn't know how, but that was where his dad and Alban could come in.

The thought brought him back to the main problem; they wouldn't answer his phone calls. Alban had given him his number only for updates on his ability, but this was important. He probably isn't picking up because he knows I couldn't have improved that fast, but I don't care. I have to keep trying. One of them has to tell me something. The situation reminded him a lot of the time before he'd found out about Spectre. He'd felt so lost back then, too, and only wanted information. Now, though, he had that. He'd found that although Sera was in some danger, he could still protect her. She was still here. His mom, however, was all the way at some secluded NXGen building.

John opened his computer. His father and Sera were the only contacts he had on there. He winced when he saw Sera's name at the top. She's probably wondering what's going on... He'd left her so quickly. He could've explained something, but the need for answers was only rising inside of him. If no one picked up the phone, he would explode.

"Come on!" He exclaimed as his computer told him that his dad was once again inactive. Ignoring that reminders telling him that his dad likely wouldn't pick up if he wasn't online, John clicked the phone button and waited. Much to his further anger, there was yet again no response. He waited and listened as it rang, until finally he was told to leave a message.

John slammed his computer shut. I'm not going to leave a message. I need to talk about this directly! I need him to pick up! He hated how everything had been going fine until this. He'd slowly been improving his ability without hating himself for it, Sera had told him about Spectre, he'd been able to see her again and feel like they were back to their past friendship...

Now, though, all of that felt like it was falling apart. What did any of it matter if he'd been allowing someone important to him to go through pain every day while he laughed and smiled and complained about using his ability? John's eyes stung at the thought. I hate this. I hate all of this. Most of all, he hated the way that things had switched so abruptly. He wanted to be happy, but it seemed like the world wouldn't let him.

Sighing, John picked his phone back up. He'd make one last call to each of them, Alban and his dad, before giving up and asking Sera what to do. She'd be able to help him. She seemed to know what to do in a lot of situations, even when he had no idea. With her there, too, he wouldn't feel the guilt climbing up his throat as if to strangle him.

Taking a deep breath, John clicked on his dad's number and held his phone to his ear. There was a moment of ringing, and then silence. John's eyes widened. Did he pick up?!

"Hello-" He began. The awful ringing returned as he spoke, cutting him off and reminding him that his dad wasn't there and wasn't answering. It had merely been a second of silence.

Feeling the anger rise back up inside of him, John lifted his phone over his head to throw it. WHY WON'T HE JUST PICK UP-

Abruptly, his phone began ringing. This time, though, it was a different kind. Someone was calling him. Without stopping to check who, John accepted the call and held it to his ear. "Hello??"

"Have you made improvement with your ability?" Alban's cold voice answered instead of the voice of his father. John's heart dropped. Well, he can tell me where my mom is too. He'd been hoping to hear from his dad, but this could work.

"Why didn't you tell me about her?" He asked, his voice coming out angrier than he'd expected. "My mom. Why didn't you tell me you found her?"

There was silence from the other end of the phone. I swear, if he hangs up- "You found out."

John opened his mouth to answer and then closed it, the hand not holding his phone clenching into a fist. "Tell me you're doing something. Tell me you're going to get her out."

Another silence. "Ah, so your father didn't tell you the plan... well, it's a pity. I'm not going to be the one to explain this," Alban told him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" John asked, frowning.

"I'll send someone else to visit. Now, stop bothering me until you figure out your ability," Alban told him as some sort of explanation.

"Hey, this is important-" John began, but his phone beeped as Alban hung up on him. John held it away, glaring. He can't just leave like this! He clicked the call button again, waiting for the ringing to stop.

No matter how many times John tried, his uncle didn't pick up for the rest of the night.

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