Chapter 59

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Blyke POV

Blyke found Remi outside of Wellston the following night, just as she'd told him. Luckily, it had been easy to sneak out; John didn't leave his room much. Seraphina had visited earlier, but the two had only spoken in John's room.

Isen hadn't talked to Blyke or Remi the whole day, evidently unhappy with their decisions to risk their lives again. Unlike Blyke, he hadn't decided to join them. Isen didn't want to risk death again. Blyke didn't, either, but he couldn't think about that. Risking death to save Remi was worth it. He wasn't going to let her fall on her own.

Remi barely talked to Blyke throughout the day, too. They'd had a few basic conversations involving the Safe House, but nothing past that; it seemed she wasn't happy with his decision either. There was no way to win. When Blyke snuck out that night, however, he found that she had waited for him. She wore a dark colored shirt and black pants, with her hair already tied up. The sleeve of a sweatshirt hung out of the bag she carried; her superhero costume, the sweater he'd duck-taped for her and her mask, must have been inside. Blyke had gone a similar path. His superhero costume really wasn't much. He just hadn't put on the hat or mask yet, which were in his pocket.

He taped Remi on the shoulder after stepping out of Wellston property. "Hey." She jumped for a moment, then relaxed a little at his voice. He waited as she turned around. Her red eyes were dark with thought.

"Let's get going," She told him, glancing back towards Wellston once more before taking a step forwards. Blyke followed her.

"Where are we meeting the other super- uh, the other guy?" He asked as they walked. He'd almost said the word 'superhero,' a fact that made him mentally slap his forehead. They had no idea who could be listening out here. Wow, I really am bad at this. He sighed.

"He'll meet us when we get there. Come on, we have a train to catch," Remi told him curtly, beginning to walk faster. He hurried after her.

They reached the station a few minutes later. It was mostly empty, being later in the night, but luckily no one questioned the two kids. Remi and Blyke rode in silence for a few stops. Finally, Remi stood up. Blyke didn't recognize the name of the place that had been called; he bit his lip, staring back at the train before he followed Remi off. She led him out of the station, pausing in a dark corner by some trash cans. "This should be good."

"What do you-" He began. Remi set down her bag, opening it and pulling the sweatshirt with the X out before he could finish. For a second, he was worried that she was going to take off her shirt and replace it; luckily, though, she simply put the sweater over the rest of her outfit. She gave him a strange look as she put on her mask.

"Why are you making that face?" She asked him, frowning. Blyke shook his head, forcing himself to calm down. He quickly pulled his own hat and mask out of his pocket and pulled them on as an excuse not to answer. Remi waited for him to finish, then turned and began walking again.

"We have a few guys to take down tonight. There were a couple of strong mid-tiers running this place... we couldn't find out if Volcan had given them anything, but we'd better be careful," Remi explained as she walked. Blyke nodded. "My... friend is already here. The mid-tiers were coming around to the low-tiers' houses to bother them. They're this way."

Sounds of shouting filled the air as Blyke and Remi turned a few more corners.

"We'd better activate our abilities. It seems like we're going to have to do some fighting," Remi whispered, glancing back at him. Blyke took a deep breath and created a small beam of energy in his hands. His heart had started pounding a little too much for his liking. This felt a lot like the last time he'd been a superhero... when he'd almost died.

"One person can't stand a chance against all of us, even if you are stronger!" Someone was yelling. From the taunting tone of their voice, Blyke guessed it was one of the bothersome mid-tiers.

"Oh, really? Well, I guess it's bad for you that I have backup on the way, then," Another person answered, a smirk in his words. Blyke frowned. Something about his voice felt familiar, though he couldn't place it.

He could now see the group ahead of them, crowded around one of the houses. A man in blue stood in front of the door to it, likely protecting the people inside; he was probably Remi's superhero friend, Kuyo. A group of adults stood in a semi circle around him, their eyes lit up in the various colors of their abilities.

Blyke frowned at the blue superhero. He looked more familiar the closer they got. It was only when the mid-tiers began attacking him and he activated his ability that Blyke realized it.

The man was the same superhero who'd saved his life the previous time!

"Hey, watch out!" Remi exclaimed, running forwards and throwing some of her lightning at the group of mid-tiers as the other superhero stabbed out with his swords. It was only when one of the other mid-tiers, a woman with long green hair, came running towards him that he realized now wasn't the best time to think. He quickly shot a beam in her direction, bringing her down.

A few of the other mid-tiers came at Blyke in the following minutes, but he had no trouble bringing them down. With three superheros, at least one who was a high-tier, a group of mid-tiers was nothing. It seemed that Volcan really hadn't helped this group, either. Blyke couldn't express his relief at not having to face another amped mid-tier after what had happened last time.

Finally, all of the mid-tiers had been knocked down. Blyke was just glancing around to find Remi when the other superhero spoke.

"We meet again, Nobody."

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