Chapter 6

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John POV

As soon as Blyke, Remi, and Isen had completely vanished from view, John headed up to the roof. Class would be starting soon but he wanted to see Sera before it did. With any luck, she would be on the roof and he could say a quick hello. He knew just seeing her would cheer him up again. It always seemed to do that...

John sped up his pace until he reached the door to the roof. When he reached out to open it, he heard something from inside- the sound of voices. More than one person was on the roof. Although John recognized one voice as Sera, he frowned at the other... it was the voice of his enemy, the blond-haired boy who'd ambushed him. Arlo. Why are they talking?

Taking a deep breath, John stepped back from the door. It was probably nothing. He really needed to start trusting Sera. She knew what she was doing. They were most likely just discussing some boring thing about the school that John didn't need to hear. At least, that's what John tried to tell himself.

Unfortunately he wasn't very good at listening... John found himself pressing his ear against the door to see what they were saying mere moments later.

" with it myself, Arlo. I'm strong. Stronger than you," John could hear Sera saying. He smirked. You tell him, Sera! He wished that he could've seen Arlo's face at her comment.

"You lost your ability," Arlo replied. John's smirk vanished. He could feel his eyebrows furrowing into a harsh glare. Why had Arlo reminded Sera of that? Maybe it wasn't so good to just let them talk. Maybe I should interfere. I wouldn't mind beating up Arlo again.

John was just reaching for the door handle when Sera spoke again. "I'm not going to let them take it again."

He breathed a sigh of relief. Right. She can take care of herself. Sera was powerful, after all. She didn't need protecting anymore. John felt a sudden wave of regret. He hadn't helped her when she needed it most, not wanting to give away his ability, but now she didn't need him anymore... He closed his eyes tightly. Would she leave if she didn't need him? No. She wouldn't. John sighed. This conversation was just bringing up past confusions. I should really stop listening.

It was too late for that now, however.

"It was the wrong decision to join Spectre, Seraphina. You don't know what they'll make you do. It's dangerous," Arlo persisted. John's eyes widened at these words. Spectre? Dangerous? Sera, what are you doing?! What is Spectre?

Why hadn't she told him about this?

"I can protect myself, Arlo," She told him. "And I stand by my decision."

What decision? John waited for Sera to talk more, for someone to explain to him what the heck was going on. What kind of dangerous situations was Sera getting herself into? Why was she part of this 'Spectre' thing anyways?

The door of the roof clicked open. John heard it just in time. Someone's leaving! I can't be caught! Pushing the new information he'd just overheard out of his head, John turned and sprinted down the stairs to the roof, ducking into the hallway and forcing himself to join a large crowd of students. After a minute of walking as if nothing had happened, he glanced over his shoulder.

Arlo was standing at the bottom of the stairs, looking deep in thought. John paused to stare at him, his own eyes narrowing in anger. Why did he know about this? Why wasn't John the one Sera had told? He wanted to attack Arlo and demand answers, but Sera wouldn't like that... and, as much as John hated to admit it, he wasn't exactly ready to attack anyone again. Not when memories of his past flew into his head when he so much as activated his ability.

John forced himself to forget about Arlo and continue walking. However, now that his anger at Arlo was gone, another feeling was beginning to fill him. A loneliness, the same one he'd felt after he'd had his argument with Sera.

Had he really made everything up with her? If he had, why was she still hiding things from him?

Was it his fault?

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